Project number: 2011-250
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $94,490.00
Principal Investigator: Justin Phillips
Organisation: South Eastern Professional Fishermen's Association Inc (SEPFA)
Project start/end date: 2 Jan 2012 - 10 Nov 2012


The primary needs in relation to this work are:

1. Regulators and research agencies, generally, are requiring greater levels of data to demonstrate the sustainability of fisheries resources - this increased level of information provision is also within the interests of industry, particularly within the current political climate. This requirement for further data also increases the impost on fishers to report a day's catch - there is a need to consolidate reporting across all areas.

2. For a range of reasons e.g. implementation of marine parks networks (State and Commonwealth) and for enhanced resource management, there is a need to provide fishery data on a finer spatial scale, or at least make provision to do so in the future.

3. The current environment for fisheries is one of change - access, allocation and increasing external scrutiny are all contributors to this. The provision of data captured on-board the vessel electronically can only expedite the process of decision making providing fishers / business operators with more timely outcomes. There is a need to provide fishers with a greater level of certainty and stability within their operating environment.

4. As we see competition for fishery resources increase between various stakeholders e.g. conservation, community and other industry, there is a need to ensure that the commercial fishing industry, while ensuring sustainability as the absolute priority, has the opportunity to maximise its returns - this is often a legislated objective. Provision of more precise and timely information at both the boat and fishery level will assist in delivering this.


1. A functional on-board electronic data capture system which addresses the requirements of regulators, research agencies and industry.
2. A detailed Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA).
3. A simpler, consolidated, more efficient way of reporting a day's catch.
4. Enhanced resource sustainability through the provision of improved information.
5. More efficient and effective, and therefore profitable, operation at the individual business level through the provision of more detailed information in a timely fashion.

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