Project number: 2014-033
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $247,000.00
Principal Investigator: Timothy M. Ward
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 9 Aug 2014 - 30 Oct 2015


Knowledge of the winter/spring spawning patterns of Blue Mackerel and Australian Sardine is needed to underpin future assessment of these stocks and to underpin the ecologically sustainable development of pelagic fish resources off the East Coast of Australia.

Recent and robust estimates the population size of Blue Mackerel and Australian Sardine off the East Coast are needed to address community concerns regarding the potential ecological impacts of large scale fishing for small pelagic fishes off the East Coast.

Information on the egg distribution, reproductive parameters and spawning biomass of Tailor is needed to inform future management of this iconic recreational fishing species.


1. Determine distribution and abundance of eggs and larvae of Blue Mackerel, Australian Sardine and Tailor off the East Coast during winter/spring.
2. Establish methods for estimating adult reproductive parameters of Blue Mackerel, Australian Sardine and Tailor off the East Coast during winter/spring.
3. Produce preliminary estimates of the spawning biomass of Blue Mackerel, Australian Sardine and Tailor of the East Coast during winter/spring.

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