Project number: 2014-402
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $243,805.72
Principal Investigator: Owen Li
Organisation: Owen Li
Project start/end date: 2 Jun 2014 - 31 Jul 2017


There is a persisting need to provide for the continued planning and implementation of targeted and effective Research, Development and Extension (RDE) activities that address regional and national priorities for the recreational fishing community. In consultation with the newly established Recreational Fishing Council, the project team plan to implement a robust and inclusive annual process for the identification of regional and national R&D priorities for Australia's recreational fishers. The proposed approach will deliver increased complementarity between state/territory and national R&D planning processes. This project will also enable Australia's recreational fishing community to become more engaged in the active management of projects addressing regional and national priorities, and will increase the visibility of R&D activities to a national audience.

This project will address several national RD&E priorities within FRDC's RD&E plan 2010-2015, including assisting the fishing community to understand the vulnerability of fish stocks and ecosystems to climate change (Theme 3), improving knowledge of the biology of target species (Theme 4), assisting development of techniques for incorporating social and economic information from recreational fishers into harvest strategy evaluation systems and enhancing adoption of best practice by rec fishers and understanding of their demographics, motivations, catch and effort (Theme 4), enhancing participation in co-management (Theme 5), and clarifying the rights of recreational fishers, and other stakeholder expectations about resource access and allocation (Theme 6).


1. Proactively work with the recreational fishing community to facilitate identification of national and regional RD&E priorities annually, and development of projects to address those priorities.
2. Assist FRDC with management of a portfolio of projects which provide significant flow of benefit to the recreational fishing sector.
3. Continue to be a driver for the extension of R&D results to facilitate desired outcomes.
4. Facilitate co-investment in RD&E which benefits the recreational fishing community nationally.

Final report

Author: Owen Li
Final Report • 2021-05-12 • 1,002.67 KB


The purpose of the Recfishing Research steering committee was to evaluate research, development and extension EOIs and project proposals submitted to the FRDC that aim to benefit the recreational fishing sector.
A stakeholder consultation workshop was held in Melbourne on the 29/11/2018. The workshop was attended by representatives of the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation, the Amateur Fishermen’s Association NT, the NSW Recreational Fishing Alliance, RecfishWest, Recfish SA, TARFish, VRFish, the Victorian Fisheries Authority, Ozfish Unlimited, the Australian Fishing Trade Association, fishing media publishers and personalities, and fisheries researchers. 10 potential priorities and 6 projects were elicited during this workshop, and a selection of these were put out to tender through the FRDC.
Recfishing Research tendered 4 priorities through the FRDC rounds, and between 13/02/2019 and 6/07/2019. Over the same period, Recfishing Research attracted and reviewed 23 research applications.
The function of the Recfishing Research committee will change following the re-structure of the FRDC. The primary function of the committee will change from the evaluation of research applications to eliciting, compiling and refining research priorities that best serve the recreational fishing sector, and contributing to extension activities to promote adoption by end-users.

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