Project number: 2014-708
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $21,399.40
Principal Investigator: Chris E. Calogeras
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 14 Sep 2014 - 27 Feb 2015


For over a decade, the barramundi industry has recognised that in the face of price pressures from
low cost imports, and in order to effectively undertake generic promotion of Australian quality
barramundi, there must be consistent, minimum quality scheme across the industry to justify the price
premiums required. This is a key component of its industry security and development philosophy.

The Quality Scheme was identified as a key strategic priority for industry at its recent ½ yearly
planning Workshop.

The ABFA does not have resources within its reserves to carry out this project and as such it relies
solely on its residual CRC funds to undertake the project.


1. Development of a whole of industry Quality Scheme for the Australian farmed barramundi industry.
2. Development of a process for incorporating a Quality Scheme into the industry Barramundi Farming Certification Program (BFCP) and its ongoing resourcing

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9874218-7-6
Author: Chris Calogeras
Final Report • 2015-05-14 • 670.78 KB


To improve viability, increase growth and maintain profitability, it was identified, through the CRC project “Barramundi branding and repositioning program”, that there needs to be a commitment to quality (along with sustainability) to justify the price differential between Australian farmed Barramundi and Lates calcarifer provided by other suppliers. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA) has committed to a quality scheme that will ensure that consumers can be confident that when they purchase ABFA farmed fish it is food safe, of a quality that presents well, and with no detectable odour or off flavour taint.

The Scheme has now been adopted by industry and provides clear industry benchmarks for product quality. The scheme will be reviewed annually and adjusted if new information or methodologies become evident, or if there is supply chain or farmer feedback that necessitates a revision of the scheme.

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