Project number: 2018-042
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $225,740.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Reina
Organisation: Monash University Clayton Campus
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2019 - 29 Sep 2020


We address an FRDC priority to address fisher behaviour to improve the outcome following capture of sharks and rays in Victoria, foster greater environmental stewardship in Victorian fishers.
In Victoria, rapidly rising numbers of recreational fishers in faster boats equipped with accurate navigational aids, is creating new pressures on some chondrichthyan species. Our partner VRFish has survey data showing that a large proportion of Victorian recreational fishers lack knowledge on how to handle and release rays and the requirements to release them unharmed, demonstrating a clear need to provide suitable education. There is need to develop best-practice protocols that ensure the high survival of released animals and the safety of the fishers handling them, that also meet community expectations on the humane treatment of these animals, especially in light of recent media and public concern. Recreational fishers are very supportive of education and awareness strategies (VRFish survey data), so we will address the need to provide them.

To achieve better outcomes for captured chondrichthyans, there is a need to improve fisher behaviour and practices by acquiring information on current practices and to use our expert knowledge of the range of responses to capture and handling by these species. This will provide the basis for developing the best capture and handling protocols to be adopted by fishers. To promote community uptake of improved handling practices and increased survival on release there is a need to produce, provide and distribute these protocols to recreational and professional fishers in Victoria, to assist them in adopting best-practice through behavioural change and to encourage greater environmental awareness and stewardship. Extension programs are needed to engage the wider community and support educational programs about recreational fishing.


1. The overarching objective of this project is to cause behavioural change of fishers in their interactions with captured sharks, rays and chimaeras in Victoria.
2. Form an expert steering committee to oversee and guide this project and the SARDI project addressing recreational fisheries impact on sharks, rays and chimaeras.
3. Execute an informed, comprehensive, cost-effective and targeted communications strategy leading to behavioural change in Victorian fishers.
4. Complete a vulnerability risk analysis of chondrichthyan species impacted by recreational fishing in Victorian waters.
5. Co-host a multi-jurisdictional workshop with SARDI to identify species of importance, develop and agree upon capture handling protocols for chondrichthyan animals across states to ensure high post-release survival and humane treatment of these animals and the safety of fishers.


ISBN: 978-0-646-82728-5
Authors: R. Reina P. Rogers and S. Williamson
Report • 2020-10-06 • 13.59 MB
Reina et al 2020 Sharks and rays in recreational fisheries.pdf


This report summarises the outcomes of the Workshop on; prioritisation of species, identification of best-practice capture and handling, design of post-release survival studies, and development of effective communication campaigns, for developing positive behavioural change in recreational fishing of Sharks and Rays.
Final Report • 2023-01-09 • 2.43 MB


A consortium of recreational fishing advocates, fisheries managers, and marine scientists from Monash University, Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body (VRFish), Flinders University, and the Victorian Fisheries Authority collaborated to create best-practice capture, handling, and release guidelines for recreational fishing of sharks and rays. The guidelines were communicated to the recreational fishing community in southern Australia by creating of a multi-media extension campaign called Shark Mates. Informational resources, such as a best-practice guidelines booklet, six YouTube videos, a website, stickers and brochures, are now available to the public and are being promoted through the peak recreational fishing body in Victoria, VRFish.

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