PROJECT NUMBER • 2022-009 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Quantifying Banded Morwong, Bluethroat Wrasse and Purple Wrasse abundance and movements to sustain key fisheries in Tasmania - postgraduate ORGANISATION: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart TAGS Recreational Fishing Rac Tas Data Capacity Building Abundance SPECIES Banded Morwong Wrasses
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-199 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Gulf of Carpentaria King Threadfin (Polydactylus macrochir) - addressing the knowledge gaps to support assessment, management and sustainable harvest ORGANISATION: Department of Primary Industries (QLD) TAGS Tagging Stock Assessment Recreational Fishing Rac Qld Otolith SPECIES King Threadfin
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-063 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Design of a fishery independent longline survey for chondrichthyans in Northern Australia ORGANISATION: Fishwell Consulting Pty Ltd TAGS Survey Rac Nt Fisheries Management Commercial Species Abundance
PROJECT NUMBER • 2021-123 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) sixth edition ORGANISATION: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) TAGS Sustainability Stock Assessment Data Biomass App
PROJECT NUMBER • 2019-129 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Potential transition of shark gillnet boats to longline fishing in Bass Strait - ecological, cross-sectoral, and economic implications The project involves the evaluation of trials of auto-longlines to target Gummy Shark in Bass Strait. ORGANISATION: Fishwell Consulting Pty Ltd TAGS Wild Catch Recreational Fishing Rac Cmwth Fishing Gear Economic SPECIES Snapper School Shark Whiskery Shark Broadnose Shark Morwongs
PROJECT NUMBER • 2022-068 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Multi-fishery collaboration to assess population abundances and post release survival of threatened Sawfish captured in commercial fishing operations in Northern Australia ORGANISATION: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Ltd TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Tagging Rac Wa Rac Qld Rac Nt