Published: 7 July 2021
Updated: 22 July 2024
Acronym | Title |
AAD | Australian Antarctic Division |
AADX | Australian Agricultural Data Exchange |
AAGA | Australian Abalone Growers Association |
AAHB | Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity |
AAHBRCP | Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Coordination Program |
AAHBS | Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Subprogram |
ABARES | Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Science |
ABFA | Australian Barramundi Farmers Association |
ABN | Australian Business Number |
ACIAR | Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research |
ACA | Abalone Council Australia |
ACPF | Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries |
ACWA | Aquaculture Council of Western Australia |
AEADRA | Aquatic Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement |
AFBDP | Aboriginal Fisheries Business Development Program |
AFANT | Amateur Fisherman's Association of the NT |
AFMA | Australian Fisheries Management Authority |
AFMF | Australian Fisheries Management Forum |
AFNS | Australian Fish Names Standard AS 5300-2019 |
AFS | American Fisheries Society |
AFTA | Australian Fishing Tackle Association |
AGIMO | Australian Government Information Management Office |
AGVP | Average Gross Value of Production |
AIA | Agricultural Innovation Australia |
AICD | Australian Institute of Company Director's |
AIMS | Australian Institute of Marine Science |
ALC | Anindilyakwa Land Council |
AMIA | Australian Mussel Industry Association |
AMM | Annual Management Meeting |
AMSA | Australian Maritime Safety Authority |
AMSA | Australian Marine Sciences Association |
ANAO | Australian National Audit Office |
ANU | Australian National University |
AOP | Annual Operating Plan |
APAC | Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing |
APARS | Asia Pacific Association for Regulatory Science |
APFA | Australian Prawn Farmers Association |
APL | Australian Pork Limited |
APNC | Australian Plant Names Committee |
ARC | Australian Research Council |
ARDC | Australian Research Data Commons |
ARC | AFMA (Australian Fisheries Management Authority) Research Committee |
ARFF | Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation |
ARLF/ARLP | Australian Rural Leadership Foundation/Program |
ASA | Agri-food Skills Australia |
ASBTIA | Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association |
ASCo | Australian Seafood Co-products |
ASDD | Australian Spatial Data Directory |
ASFB | Australia Society for Fish Biology |
ASI | Australian Seafood Industries (oyster breeding company owned by the Tasmanian and South Australian oyster industries) |
Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance |
Agriculture Trade and Market Access Cooperation |
Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering |
Australian Agrifood Data Exchange Project Management Office |
Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Working Group |
BAC | Broome Aquaculture Centre |
BBE | Biology, Behaviour and Ecology |
Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre |
Business Research and Innovation Initiative |
Black Soldier Fly |
CAAB | Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota |
CAAHV | Centre for Aquatic Animal Health and Vaccines |
CBA | Commonwealth Bank of Australia |
CCAMLR | Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
CCSC | Capability and Capacity Steering Committee |
CDU | Charles Darwin University |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CEDFAA | Circular Economy Opportunities for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Australia |
CFA | Commonwealth Fisheries Association |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CI | Co-investigator |
CIR | Continual Improvement Request |
CIS | Continual Improvement System |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species |
CKAN | Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network |
CoE | Centre of Excellence |
CommRAC | Commonwealth Research Advisory Committee |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CRC | Cooperative Research Centres |
CRCNA | Cooperative Research Centre for Northern Australia |
CRC-P | Cooperative Research Centres Projects |
CRC-SAAFE | Cooperative Research Centre - Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agribusiness, Food and Environments |
CRDC | Cotton Research and Development Corporation |
CRRDC | The Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
CSS | Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme |
CST | Clean Seas Tuna |
CTiRI | Community Trust in Rural Industries |
D&I | Death and Invalidity |
DAFF | Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
DAWE | Department of Agriculture Water and Environment |
DCCEEW | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
DFAT | Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
DMZ | De-militarised Zone |
DOF | Department of Finance |
DPIRD | Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |
EADRA | Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
EMS | Environmental Management System |
EOI | Expression of Interest application for funding |
ENRI | Emerging National Rural Issues |
Economic Participation of Indigenous Communities |
EPSC | Employer productivity superannuation contribution |
ESG | Environmental Social and Governance |
EZAIA | Eastern Zone Abalone Industry Association |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organisation |
FARM Committee | Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee (of the FRDC board) |
FIAL | Food and Agribusiness Growth |
FINO | FINO (FRDC's project management system) |
FishNet | The FRDC's on-line application system |
FNC | Fish Names Committee (committee tasked with development of Australian Fish Names Standard AS 5300 (AFNS)) |
FRAB | Fisheries Research Advisory Board (now Research Advisory Committee) |
FRDC | Fisheries Research and Development Corporation |
FSIWG | Fisheries Statistics and Information Working Group |
FSP | Future Science Platform |
FTE | Full time equivalent |
GABRAG | Great Australian Bight Research Advisory Group |
GATE | Global Ag-Tech Ecosystem |
GBR | Great Barrier Reef |
GCMA | Gold Coast Marine Aquaculture |
GRDC | Grains Research and Development |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
GLaWAC | Gunaikurnia Land and Water Aboriginal Corporation |
HDR | Human Dimensions Research Coordination Program |
HDR-SC | Human Dimensions Research Coordination Program - Steering Committee |
HLP | High Level Panel |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (system to provide indoor environmental comfort) |
IAAS | Infrastructure As A Service |
IBA | Indigenous Business Australia |
ICFA | International Coalition of Fishing Associations |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
ICWL | International Conference and Workshop on Lobster (Biology and Management) |
IDV | Independent Data Validation |
IEA | Integrated Ecosystem Assessment |
IFCoE | Indigenous Fisheries Centre of Excellence |
ILSC | Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation |
IMAS | Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies |
IMOS | Integrated Marine Observing System |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IPA | Industry Partnership Agreement (FRDC agreement with a specific sector) |
IQA | Internal Quality Audit |
IRG | Indigenous Reference Group |
ITQ | Individual Transferable Quotes |
JCU | James Cook University |
JTSI | Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation |
KLC | Kimberley Land Council |
KPI's | Key Performance Indicators |
LAB | Laboratory |
LCF | Lakes and Coorong Fishery |
MAC | Management Advisory Committee |
MBR & FNCC | Marine Biodiversity, Resources & Fisheries National Coordinating Committee |
MBRFRP | Marine Biodiversity, Resources and Fisheries Research Program |
MBSIA COBP | Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association Code Of Best Practice |
MBCRC | Marine Bioproducts Cooperative Research Centre |
MDF | Main Distribution Frame |
MEF | Monitoring and Evaluation Framework |
MFA | Marine Fisheries Association |
MISA | Marine Innovation South Australia |
MOU | Memorandum Of Understanding |
MSC | Marine Stewardship Council |
MSNFA | Marine Scale Net Fishers Association |
MSNFA | Marine Scalefish Net Fishers Association |
MSHS | Multi-Species Harvest Strategy |
MSP | Marine Spatial Planning |
NAA | National Archives of Australia |
NAC | National Aquaculture Council |
NAIDOC | National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee |
NAILSMA | North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance |
NARP - MBR | National Adaptation Research Plan – Marine Biodiversity and Resources |
NASFI | National Alliance of the Seafood and Fishing Industry |
NCA | Natural Capital Accounting |
NCCAPFA | National Climate Change Action Plan for Fisheries and Aquaculture |
NCCARN - MRB | National Climate Change Adaptation Research Network – Marine Resources and Biodiversity |
NCCP | National Carp Control Plan |
NCR | Non-conformance report |
NDRI | National Decommissioning Research Initiative |
NERA | National Energy Resources Australia |
NESP | National Environmental Science Program |
NFAC | National Fishing Advisory Council |
NFP | National Fisheries Plan |
NFRS | Native Fish Recovery Strategy |
NGO | Non Government Organisation |
NHN | National Hatchery Network |
NHT | National Heritage Trust |
NLC | National Land Councils |
NMSC | National Marine Science Centre |
NMSC | National Marine Science Committee |
NOPSEMA | National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority |
NORMAC | Northern Prawn Fishery Management Advisory Committee |
NPF | Northern Prawn Fishery |
NRE | Department of Natural Resources and Environment |
NRETAS | Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport (NT) |
NRM | Natural Resource Management |
NRMMC | National Resource Management Ministerial Council (Australia) |
NSIA | National Seafood Industry Alliance |
NSILP | National Seafood Industry Leadership Program |
NSW | New South Wales |
NSWRAC | New South Wales Research Advisory Committee |
NT | Northern Territory |
NTRAC | Northern Territory Research Advisory Committee |
NTSC | Northern Territory Seafood Council |
NWSS | North West Shoals to Shore |
NZMSS | New Zealand Marine Science Society |
OA | Oysters Australia - Australian oyster farmers industry peak body |
OCS | Offshore Constitutional Settlement Attorney Generals Department |
OOD | Oyster Oedema Disease |
OWG | Operations Working Group |
PaaS | Platform as a Service |
PAD | Performance appraisal and development |
PBS | Portfolio Budget Statement |
PC | Productivity Commission |
PC IPA | Pearl Consortium Industry Partnership Agreement |
PCBU | Principle duty holder, 'Person conducting a business or undertaking' A PCBU may be either:
• the Commonwealth (eg. a department) For the purposes of this procedure the FRDC is the PCBU. |
PGPA Act | The Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PICSE | Primary Industries Centre for Science Education |
PID Act | Public Interest Disclosure Act |
PIEF | Primary Industries Education Foundation |
PIEFA | Primary Industry Education Foundation Australia |
PIERD | The Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, now replaced by the PIRD Act |
PIRD Act | The Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 |
PIRSA | Primary Industries and Regions South Australia |
POHP SC | Pacific Oyster Health Project - Steering Committee |
POMS | Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome |
PRMA | Property Risk Management Association |
Probity | Probity is the evidence of ethical behaviour, and can be defined as complete and confirmed integrity, uprightness and honesty in a particular process. |
PSPF | Protective Security Policy Framework of the Australian Government |
PSS | Public Sector Superannuation Scheme |
PSSAP | Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan |
PZJA | Protected Zone Joint Authority (Torres Strait) |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QLD | Queensland |
QDAF | Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries |
QLDRAC | Queensland Research Advisory Committee |
QMS | Quality Management Systems |
QSIA | Queensland Seafood Industry Association |
RAC | Research Advisory Committee |
RAG | Resource Assessment Group |
RD&E | Research Development & Extension |
RDCs | Research and Development Corporations |
RDC KTCG | Regional Development Corporation Knowledge Translation and Commercialisation Group |
Recfish | Recfish Australia (peak recreational fishing body) |
RFAC | Recreational Fishing Advisory Council |
RFDP | Recreational Fishing Development Plan |
RIRDC | Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation |
RnD4P BSF | Research and Development for profit black soldier fly |
ROI | Return on Investment |
RPN | Research Providers Network |
RRD4P | Rural Research and Development for Profit Program |
RSHA | Rural Safety and Health Alliance |
SA | South Australia |
SaaS | Software as a Service |
SAFS | School of Agriculture and Food Science |
SAFS | Status of Australian Fish Stock |
SAOGA | South Australian Oyster Growers Association |
SAORC | South Australian Oyster Research Council |
SARDI | South Australian Research and Development Institute |
SAWIN | South Australian Womens Industry Network |
SBT | Southern Bluefin Tuna |
SCAAH | Sub Committee Aquatic Animal Health |
SCRC | Seafood Co-operative Research Centre |
SCRC RAC | Seafood CRC Research and Adoption Committee (SCRC RAC) established to provide technical expert advice, to ensure due process is followed. |
SCU | Southern Cross University |
SDAC | Standards Development and Accreditation Committee |
SD | Seafood Directions |
SDG | Sustainability Development Goal (United Nations) |
SDO | Standards development organisation |
SEA | Seafood Experience Australia |
SEMAC | South East Management Advisory Committee |
SETFIA | South East Timor Fishing Industry Association |
SFM | Sydney Fish Market |
SIA | Seafood Industry Australia |
SIAA | Seafood Importers Association of Australasia Inc |
SIL | System Improvement Log |
SIT | Seafood Industry Tasmania (Tasmanian peak industry body) |
SISI | Seafood Industry Safety Initiative |
SIV | Seafood Industry Victoria (Vic peak industry body) |
SG&WCPFA | Spencer Gulf & West Coast Prawn Fisheries Association |
SO IPA | Southern Ocean Industry Partnership Agreement |
SOCo | Select Oyster Company (oyster breeding company owned by NSW oyster industry - no longer operating) |
SRB | Standards Reference Body |
SRDC | Sugar Research and Development Corporation |
SRL | Southern Rocklobster Limited |
SSA | Seafood Services Australia |
STAG | Seafood Trade Advisory Group |
TAG | Technical Advisory Group |
Tas | Tasmania |
TASRAC | Tasmanian Research Advisory Committee |
TCFD | Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures |
TEP species | Threatening, Endangered and Protected species |
TLC | Tiwi Land Council |
TNFD | Task Force for Natural Related Financial Disclosures |
TNQI TAFE | Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE |
TORC | Tasmanian Oyster Research Council |
TRF | Tactical Research Fund, process and application type used for short sharp tactical RD&E activities. See also PP-03 |
TRL | Tropical Rock Lobster |
TSGA | Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association |
TSIRC | Torres Strait Island Regional Council |
TSRA | Torres Strait Regional Authority |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
UNDOS | United Nations Decade of Ocean Science |
UNSDGs | United Nations Sustainability Development Goals |
VFA | Victorian Fisheries Authority |
Vic | Victoria |
VicRAC | Victorian Research Advisory Committee |
WA | Western Australia |
WADJTSI | Western Australia Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation |
WAFIC | Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WA peak body) |
WARAC | Western Australia Research Advisory Committee |
WCDSC | West Coast Deep Sea Crab |
WFC | World Fisheries Congress |
WFCB | Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology |
WHS | Work Health and Safety |
WG | Working Group |
WISA | Women in Seafood Australasia |
WLDP | Women's Leadership Development Program (Turn the Tide) |
WPI | Wage Price Index |
WRFC LOC | World Recreational Fishing Conference Local Organising Committee |
WRLC | Western Rock Lobster Council |
WRLCRDAG | Western Rock Lobster Council Rare Diseases Advisory Group |
ZNE Ag CRC | Zero Net Emissions in Agriculture Cooperative Research Centre |