Published: 21 June 2021 Updated: 25 July 2024
Table of contents

Established in 2004, Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL), is a company limited by guarantee serving as the national peak body working to further the interests of the Australian Southern Rock Lobster Industry.

SRL guides all industry R&D expenditure for this valuable fishery sector and, over the next five-year planning horizon, is working to deliver against the five strategic goals identified in the ‘SRL Strategy 2022’.

  • Secure access to a sustainable resource, which is harvested efficiently and safely in collaboration with other fishery users.
  • Community engagement with, and acceptance of, Southern Rock Lobster fisheries and policies.
  • Discerning seafood consumers prefer SRL’s offer, in Australia and overseas.
  • An SRL that is engaged and influential in industry, communities and government.
  • Professional people and strong governance.

Industry Partnership Agreement

The FRDC is a key partner for planning and investment in the research, development extension needed to achieve its vision. SRL works closely with the FRDC and research providers to focus resources into the RD&E needed to address current priority investment areas. RD&E investment planning and project realisation is undertaken through a collaborative process between SRL members and research providers, with priorities developed and agreed at Annual General Meetings (AGM) and half yearly conferences.

Research Priorities

Research, Development and Extension Plan

SRL has developed a Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Plan that provides a framework to identify and invest in key strategic research needs of SRL stakeholders - see the plan.

Call for Applications

The FRDC invests through a flexible approach. Part of this approach allows the Research Advisory Committees (RACs), Industry Partnership Agreements (IPAs) and Subprograms to call for applications based on their priorities up to three times per year in November, April and August – see whether this IPA has put forward any priorities in the current call for applications.

SRL Contact

Thomas Cosentino, Executive Officer – (E:

FRDC Management Contacts

Chris Izzo – FRDC Portfolio Manager (T +61 2 6122 2152; E:

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