FRDC reports on performance across all aspects of the business. Our reporting requirements can arise from legislation (e.g. PIRD and PGPA Acts), agreements and general practice of good governance such as the Australian Institute of Company Directors guidelines.
Performance reporting is undertaken at different intervals, from monthly financial statements through to annual whole of agency reporting. The key documents and work relating to performance reporting can be found here:
- Annual Reports
- ANAO Probity Management in RDCs (Report No.21 of 2019-20)
- Benefit Cost Analyses
- Financial statements
- FRDC Stakeholder Surveys
- Corporate Reporting Obligations
- Indigenous Reconciliation Statement of Intent - Performance Report May 2024
If there is a specific aspect of performance reporting you wish to find, please send your request to
FRDC Monitoring & Evaluation Framework
Under our Statutory Funding Agreement, we are required to develop both a Program Framework and Evaluation Framework to guide our reporting of performance to the Department.
The FRDC’s Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF) has been developed to provide a coordinated approach for monitoring, evaluation and reporting to enable the Corporation to better meet the needs of its stakeholders. This document will do so by setting out a forward-looking, results-based process for evaluating performance across all functions undertaken by the FRDC during the life of FRDC’s 2020-25 Research & Development Plan (R&D Plan).
FRDC's annual performance review with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
As a part of FRDC’s annual performance evaluation, we meet with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) to present and discuss how we have met our key performance indicators under our statutory funding agreement. This includes demonstrating our activities and indicators towards achieving impact, how we are engaging with our stakeholders and how we are meeting our governance requirements. This discussion supports FRDC’s annual report, and provides an opportunity to consider practical continuous improvement for the following year.
Letter for SFA Performance from DAFF to FRDC Chair (2021-22)
Letter for SFA Performance from DAFF to FRDC Chair (2022-23)
FRDC Five Year Independent Performance Review
The FRDC is required under its Statutory Funding Agreement 2020-2030 with DAFF to undertake a periodic independent review of the FRDC’s performance against the Performance Principles outlined in the Agreement.
Forest Hill Consulting finalised the review for 2020-24 on 5 July 2024. As part of the process a number of face-to-face interviews were conducted, in addition to broader stakeholder feedback. The Final Report made 10 recommendations. The FRDC Board has accepted all the recommendations - the status of their implementation is outlined here.