Restocking (referred to interchangeably as ‘fisheries enhancement’) is the practice of releasing hatchery-produced fish into the wild to supplement or enhance natural populations. Restocking programs may aim to support conservation, enhance recreational and/or commercial fishing outcomes, and/or maintain or restore cultural and spiritual values and practices. In Australia, fish stocking has been occurring in various forms since the introduction of trout in the 1860s by various acclimatisation societies. Stocking of native species has increased significantly since the late 1970s, and now most states and territories have active programs to support improved fisheries outcomes (see below for jurisdiction-relevant links).
Restocking is becoming an increasingly common choice for fisheries managers, and it can deliver some positive outcomes in a range of contexts. It is important to understand the drivers of the decline and factors limiting population growth or rebuilding, including habitat degradation, pollution, overharvesting, migration barriers, climate change, and/or invasive species. These common causes for stock decline can act either alone or in concert and identifying the relevant drivers and dynamics will have a significant impact on whether restocking will achieve the intended outcome. Often, restocking may need to be part of a suite of programs, such as habitat remediation, angler education or altered/increased compliance to deliver the desired outcome. A review of broader fisheries enhancement methods, including a range of case studies, is covered in 2020-102: A review of fisheries enhancement methods to promote profitability and sustainability in Australian fisheries.
If restocking is identified as a viable option to address the goals of the fishery, then a restocking plan can be developed. These are typically guided by state or commonwealth fisheries managers and will need to be developed in partnership with all stakeholders involved in the restocking context. Beyond the restocking activity, monitoring and evaluation to measure the program’s success and inform responses to changes in the target stock and receiving environment are essential.
To support these programs, FRDC has invested in a range of projects to improve the delivery of restocking programs. These cover broad considerations on assessing, developing and measuring the success of a stocking program (see ‘General Restocking’ below), animal health and ecosystem impact (see ‘Animal Health’ below), and a range of species-specific research for various saltwater and freshwater fin fish and invertebrates. Much of this work has been done in conjunction with our Industry Partnership Agreement Sector Groups on species including Abalone (including wild harvest), Barramundi, Southern and Western Rock Lobster, oysters (including Sydney Rock and Pacific), pearls, prawns, Southern Bluefin Tuna and Atlantic Salmon.
FRDC restocking (and related) projects
General restocking
Project Number |
Title |
A review of fisheries enhancement methods to promote profitability and sustainability in Australian fisheries |
2016-052 |
Developing and road testing a novel and robust method for trading off ecological interventions for the recovery of native fish communities |
2016-034 |
Golden fish: evaluating and optimising the biological, social and economic returns of small-scale fisheries |
2010-564 |
FRDC-DCCEE: preadapting a Tasmanian coastal ecosystem to ongoing climate change through reintroduction of a locally extinct species |
2009-040 |
Fish stocking programs - assessing the benefits against potential long term genetic and ecological impacts |
2008-006 |
Exploration of the effectiveness of alternative management responses to variable recruitment |
2007-057 |
Towards responsible native fish stocking: Identifying management concerns and appropriate research methodologies |
2005-640 |
Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: technical guidelines for the translocation of live aquatic animals |
2005-323 |
National workshop on research and development priorities of stock enhancement, fish stocking and stock recovery |
1998-221 |
Fish Stocking in Impoundments: a best practice manual for eastern and northern Australia |
Animal Health
Project Number |
Title |
Towards healthy and sustainable freshwater fish populations - assessing genetic health of priority fish species to inform management |
2019-086 |
Development of a national sector-specific biosecurity plan guideline and template for the farmed freshwater native finfish industry of Australia |
2012-714 |
SCRC: PDRS: Use of next generation DNA technologies for revealing the genetic impact of fisheries restocking and ranching |
2008-769 |
Seafood CRC: Review of commercialisation approaches and options for generic aquaculture genetics databases for Australian selective breeding programs |
2002-043 |
Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: the production of nodavirus-free fish fry and the nodaviruses natural distribution |
Saltwater Fin Fish
Primary Species |
Project Number |
Title |
Barramundi |
2018-047 | Barramundi origins: determining the contribution of stocking to the Barramundi catch on Queensland's east coast |
Barramundi |
2008-758 |
Seafood CRC: Development of a genetic management and improvement strategy for Australian cultured Barramundi |
Barramundi |
2008-104 | Conduct a risk assessment for stocking Barramundi into Hazelwood Pondage in Churchill Victoria |
Black Bream |
2000-180 | Restocking of the Blackwood River Estuary with black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) |
Maugean Skate |
2016-068 | Vulnerability of the endangered Maugean Skate population to degraded environmental conditions in Macquarie Harbour |
Mulloway |
1995-148 | Enhancement of mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus) in intermittently opening lagoons |
Snapper |
2019-044 |
Quantifying post-release survival and movement of Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus): Informing strategies to engage the fishing community in practices to enhance the sustainability of an important multi-sector fishery |
Southern Bluefin Tuna, Yellowtail Kingfish, Mulloway |
2007-707 | Seafood CRC: Resolving larval rearing, juvenile development and productivity constraints for propagated Southern Bluefin Tuna. Improvements to the production of Yellowtail Kingfish and Mulloway. |
Southern Sand Flathead |
2022-204 | Filling the knowledge gaps to recover Tasmanias favourite recreational fishery - Southern Sand Flathead |
Striped Trumpeter |
2004-221 | Aquafin CRC - Enhanced hatchery production of Striped Trumpeter, Latris lineata, in Tasmania through system design, microbial control and early weaning |
Yellowtail Kingfish |
2017-030 |
Increasing production and value of Yellowtail Kingfish aquaculture in warm water through improvements in feeds and disease resistance |
Yellowtail Kingfish |
2009-700 | SCRC: PhD : Improvement of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerling production efficiency through food and feeding management |
Yellowtail Kingfish |
2013-700 | SCRC: Yellowtail Kingfish genetics: commercialisation strategies |
Yellowtail Kingfish |
2008-746 | Seafood CRC: Improvements in Yellowtail Kingfish larval and juvenile survival and quality |
Yellowtail Kingfish |
2010-753 | Seafood CRC: improving hatchery production of Yellowtail Kingfish larvae and fingerlings |
Freshwater Finfish
Primary Species |
Project Number |
Title |
Jungle Perch |
2012-213 |
Developing jungle perch fingerling production to improve fishing opportunities |
Murray Cod |
2022-049 | Optimising the nutrition of farmed Murray Cod |
Macquarie Perch |
2022-116 | Cracking the code on captive breeding of Macquarie Perch |
Primary Species |
Project Number |
Title |
Abalone |
2020-116 |
Accelerating Greenlip Abalone stock recovery in South Australia using release of hatchery-reared juveniles: Phase 1 - genetics risk assessment and preliminary cost-benefit analysis |
Abalone |
2019-110 | Best practice and policy in abalone stock enhancement, restocking and translocation |
Abalone |
2017-113 | Elucidating the nutritional requirements of farmed hybrid abalone |
Abalone |
2017-099 | Survival and growth rate of ranched Greenlip Abalone off South Australia |
Abalone |
2017-049 | Monitoring abalone juvenile abundance following removal of Centrostephanus and translocation |
Abalone |
2014-224 |
Rebuilding abalone populations to limit impacts of the spread of urchins, abalone viral ganglioneuritis and other external impacts |
Abalone |
2012-220 | Tactical Research Fund: sea ranching trials for commercial production of greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) abalone in Western Australia |
Abalone |
2012-058 | Tactical Research Fund: Limiting impacts of the spread of urchins by rebuilding abalone populations |
Abalone |
2011-762 | Seafood CRC: recovering a collapsed abalone stock through translocation |
Abalone |
2011-751 |
SCRC: PhD: Improvement of abalone nutrition with macroalgae addition |
Abalone |
2011-046 | Tactical Research Fund - Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Disease risk assessment for abalone stock enhancement program |
Abalone |
2010-782 | SCRC: PhD: Habitat enhancement to increase productivity in abalone fisheries |
Abalone |
2009-710 | Seafood CRC: bioeconomic evaluation of commercial scale stock enhancement in abalone |
Abalone |
2008-076 |
Tactical Research Fund: cost-benefit analysis of implementing alternative techniques for rehabilitating reefs severely depleted by Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis epidemic |
Abalone |
2001-033 |
Enhancement of the NSW blacklip abalone fishery using hatchery produced seed |
Abalone |
1998-219 | Enhancement of populations of abalone in NSW using hatchery-produced seed |
Clams |
2010-233 |
PIRSA Innovative Solutions: Investigations to address key policy gaps associated with the development of clam farming in South Australia: genetic and health issues aligned to translocation and stock identification |
Clams |
2009-208 | Developing clam aquaculture in Australia: a feasibility study on culturing Donax deltoides and Katelysia spp. on intertidal and subtidal leases in South Australia |
Cockles |
2014-028 | Mud cockle (Katelysia spp.) stock enhancement/restoration: practical implementation and policy evaluation |
Oysters |
2021-122 | Assessment of the utility of genomics for Sydney Rock Oyster breeding |
Oysters |
2018-164 | Commercial production trial with high POMS tolerant triploid Pacific Oysters in approved NSW estuaries |
Oysters |
2016-807 | Future oysters CRC-P: Species diversification to provide alternatives for commercial production |
Oysters |
2016-803 | Future oysters CRC-P: New Technologies to Improve Sydney Rock Oyster Breeding and Production |
Oysters |
2016-802 | Future Oysters CRC-P: Accelerated Sydney Rock Oyster (SRO) Breeding Research |
Oysters |
2016-801 | Future oysters CRC-P: Enhancing Pacific Oyster breeding to optimise national benefits |
Oysters |
2015-239 |
Oysters Australia IPA: Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome - resistant Oyster breeding for a sustainable Pacific Oyster Industry in Australia |
Oysters | 2009-743 |
Seafood CRC: Incorporation of selection for reproductive condition, marketability and survival into a breeding strategy for Sydney rock oysters and Pacific oysters |
Oysters |
2006-226 | Seafood CRC: securing and enhancing the Sydney rock oyster breeding program |
Pipis |
2021-115 | Pipi hatchery production techniques and optimal restocking strategies |
Pipis |
2008-071 | Tactical Research fund: Economic viability of Pipi (Donax deltoides) reseeding |
Prawns |
2013-221 | Stock enhancement of the Western School Prawn (Metapenaeus dalli) in the Swan-Canning Estuary; evaluating recruitment limitation, environment and release strategies |
Scallops |
2005-016 | Marking Scallops for release and recapture |
Scallops |
2015-026 |
Understanding recruitment variation (including the collapse) of Saucer Scallop stocks in Western Australia and assessing the feasibility of assisted recovery measures for improved management in a changing environment |
Sea Cucumber |
2009-744 | SCRC: Propagation and sea-based growout of sea cucumber stocks in the Northern Territory |
Vongole |
2022-041 | Assessing the potential of translocation to increase Vongole productivity and fishery catches |
State specific restocking webpages
State |
Relevant links |
NT |
Recreational Fishing Development Plan- Outcome 3,
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Regional Development Fish Stocking website |
Victorian Fisheries Authority Fish Stocking website |
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Fish Stocking Policy, Action Plan and Website |
SA |
Snapper Restocking Program, note native fish releases have occurred in SA impoundments,
Inland Fisheries Service Latest Fish Stocking and Sand Flathead Information Paper with commentary on restocking as part of a suite of options linked to Flathead For The Future |
WA |
Policy on restocking and stock enhancement in Western Australia, DPIRD Trout Stocking and RecFishWest resources |