IPAs are an agreement between the FRDC and a sector body to manage a suite of sectoral projects over a specified time period against an agreed industry strategic plan. The priorities and projects selected are generally identified by the industry body and are specific to its needs.
Abalone Council of Australia Ltd (ACA) – https://www.abalonecouncil.com.au |
Dean Lisson - deanlisson@tassie.net.au
Chris Izzo - christopher.izzo@frdc.com.au
Australian Abalone Growers' Association (AAGA) |
Nick Savva - eo@aagai.com.au |
Wayne Hutchinson - wayne.hutchinson@frdc.com.au |
Australian Barramundi Farmers' Association (ABFA) – http://www.abfa.org.au |
Jo-Anne Ruscoe - admin@abfa.org.au |
Wayne Hutchinson - wayne.hutchinson@frdc.com.au
Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries (ACPF) – http://australianwildprawns.com.au |
Rachel King - acpf.eo@gmail.com
Chris Izzo - christopher.izzo@frdc.com.au
Australian Prawn Farmers' Association (APFA) – http://apfa.com.au |
Kim Hooper - kim.hooper@apfa.com.au
Wayne Hutchinson - wayne.hutchinson@frdc.com.au
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association LTD (ASBTIA) – http://www.asbtia.com.au |
Daniel Casement - info@asbtia.com.au
Wayne Hutchinson - wayne.hutchinson@frdc.com.au
Oysters Australia (OA) – http://www.oystersaustralia.org |
Anne Stunzner - management@oystersaustralia.org
Wayne Hutchinson - wayne.hutchinson@frdc.com.au
Pearl Consortium |
Nicole Anderson - nanderson@paspaley.com.au |
Wayne Hutchinson - wayne.hutchinson@frdc.com.au |
Salmon Tasmania – https://salmontasmania.au |
Matt Berenger - matt@salmontas.au | Josh Fielding - josh.fielding@frdc.com.au |
Southern Ocean (SO) More information including current plan
Rhys Arangio rarangio@australfisheries.com.au Brad Milic bm@australianlongline.com.au |
Adrianne Laird -
Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) – http://www.southernrocklobster.com |
Tom Cosentino - tom@margoconsulting.com.au
Chris Izzo - christopher.izzo@frdc.com.au
Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRL) – https://www.westernrocklobster.org |
Matt Taylor - Matt@westernrocklobster.org
Adrianne Laird - |