Established in 2001, the Australian Abalone Growers Association (AAGA) is the national peak body working to further the interests of the Australian abalone farming industry. AAGA aims to promote ethical and responsible abalone farming for profit. AAGA’s vision sees Australian Abalone as the preferred abalone across world markets, with farmed Australian abalone from AAGA members:
- Recognised and sought after across global markets
- Grown in and harvested from sustainable farming systems
- Produced by farms whose Return on Investment (ROI) will be in the top 25% of all Australian aquaculture producers.
Industry Partnership Agreement
FRDC is a key partner for planning and investment in the research, development and extension (RD&E) needed to achieve the AAGA vision. We work in close collaboration with AAGA and researchers to decide investment priorities at Annual General Meetings (AGM) and half yearly conferences, and to undertake projects in line with these priorities.
Research Priorities
Research, Development and Extension Plan
AAGA has developed a Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Plan 2020-2025 that provides a framework to identify and invest in key strategic research needs for AAGA stakeholders - see the plan.
Call for Applications
Research Advisory Committees (RACs), Industry Partnership Agreements (IPAs) and Subprograms can call for applications based on their priorities up to three times per year. See whether this IPA has put forward any priorities in the current call for applications.
AAGA Contact
Nick Savva, Executive Officer – (E:
FRDC Management Contact
Wayne Hutchinson – FRDC Portfolio Manager (T +61 2 6122 2153; E: