The FRDC’s Extension Officer Network was established in mid-2022. One Extension Officer was appointed in each State and Territory, tasked with engaging directly with individuals and organisations involved in fishing and aquaculture. The network's purpose is to enhance the adoption of FRDC’s research outcomes and to identify the research and development needs of grassroots stakeholders for inclusion in FRDC’s investment calls.
How can Extension Officers help you?
Do you:
- have a great idea or are tackling a challenge related to seafood where R&D may help you?
- want the latest R&D information on your topic ?
- want help connecting with people that you can collaborate with ?
- want advice on best-practise extension to achieve impact and adoption from your R&D ?
Then contact your local Extension Officer. They are keen to help you, and anyone else working in F&A and the broader seafood sector, and people that don’t normally apply for FRDC investment.
Meet your Extension Officers
Queensland - Steve Eayrs
Hi, my name is Steve Eayrs, and I am pleased to be FRDC’s Extension Officer for Queensland.
I am passionate about facilitating the sustainable development of Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture resources. I am particularly interested in forging close relationships with all stakeholders, ensuring widespread knowledge of FRDC-funded and other projects and leveraging my commercial fishing, research, and change management experience to seek positive outcomes for stakeholders and the environment.
This approach has helped me work successfully with the Queensland commercial fishing industry during a time of significant change and uncertainty, due largely to recent changes in harvest strategies and regulation, and threats to stock access and profitability. My work has included organising informational workshops, to bring commercial fishers and others together to share information and tackle issues and challenges, as well as facilitating new research initiatives such as the transition to alternative fishing gears to harvest inshore finfish species in Queensland waters, and the development of a new online community of practice focusing on trawl industry innovation and information sharing.
I can be contacted at steve.eayrs@frdc.com.au
Extension focus areas: Commercial fishing, recreational fishing, aquaculture, indigenous fishing
Strategic extension focus areas: Alternative fishing, Workforce Capability, capacity, and culture change, Climate change, Workplace health and safety
FRDC Services Support: Human Dimensions Research Coordination Program (HDR)
Research Advisory Board Support: QLD RAC
Industry Partnership Support: The relevant QLD IPA's are prawn (wildcatch), prawn (farmed), barramundi
Rep Orgs: Queensland Seafood Industry Association
Tasmania - David Maynard
Hi, my name is David Maynard, and I am the Extension Officer for Tasmania.
Since taking up this role I have worked closely with the Tasmanian commercial fishing and aquaculture sectors, researchers and managers to understand their research needs and shape research outcomes to better enable adaptation.
I am also very keen to improve the community’s marine literacy, in turn increasing their support of the seafood sector.
My work has included workshops and presentations related to climate change impacts on species and fisheries, growing the sectors capacity to turn organic and plastic waste into profit, and developing tools and communications to assist end users to understand and adopt research outcomes. I have also been establishing relationships with recreational fishers and Tasmanian Aboriginal groups.
I am keen to continue to grow my network of close relationships with all stakeholders and use my knowledge and experience in fishing gear technology, animal behaviour and science communication to get the best outcomes for all stakeholders.
I can be contacted at david.maynard@frdc.com.au
Extension focus areas: Commercial wildcatch, Environment and Community
Strategic extension focus areas: Climate Change and Sustainability, FRDC's Circular Economy Program, Centrostephanus, Maugean Skate Research
FRDC Services Support: Circular Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility
Research Advisory Board Support: TasRAC
Industry Partnership Support: The relevant Tas IPA is Salmon Tasmania
Rep Orgs: Seafood Industry Tasmania, TARfish, TAC, TRACA
New South Wales - Kris Cooling
Hi, my name is Kris Cooling and I’m the Extension Officer for New South Wales.
I bring a diverse background across fisheries, aquaculture and applied marine science, which serves as an asset for stakeholders involved in fisheries extension planning and practice.
In this role, my focus is on using FRDC’s portfolio and our range of expert contacts to find pathways and solutions that drive progressive and sustainable change for stakeholders. My experience in research, recreational fishing, commercial fishing observer work, aquaculture and stakeholder engagement equips me to support the development of impactful research and development priorities.
As a passionate recreational angler with experience in the tackle sector, I work closely with our recreational fishing research partners to support sustainable and valued programs, products and investments. I also work with commercial, aquaculture and post-harvest stakeholders to build best practice processes in resource management, product development, social license, community connection and more.
I’m committed to working with everyone I can to build a resilient, adaptable, and progressive future and I really encourage anyone I haven’t met with yet to get in touch at: kris.cooling@frdc.com.au
Extension focus areas: Recreational fishing, Circular Economy, Marine Plastics, Habitat
FRDC Program support: Recreational fishing, Circular Economy
FRDC Service support: Recfishing Research Program
Research Advisory Board Support: NSW RAC
Northern Territory - Lauren Thornton
Hi, my name is Lauren Thornton, and I am the Extension officer for the Northern Territory.
My background and passion are supporting people to understand and connect with their environment and the others around them. I have achieved this through various means including assisting in the creation of interpretive collateral, signage and social media but believe it is face to face interpretation that brings most value to an individual's learning journey.
Facilitating events, workshops and presentations are some of the tools I have used to reach people however my background in community engagement has taught me that providing a space to share and learn is the quickest and most efficient way for groups to be open to learnings and change.
I can be contacted at lauren.thornton@frdc.com.au
Extension focus areas: Indigenous fishing, Recreational fishing, Women in fishing and seafood
Strategic extension focus areas: Capability and capacity, Climate change | FRDC, Indigenous fishing
FRDC Services support: IRG
Research Advisory Board support: NT RAC
Rep Orgs: NTSC, AFANT, NTGFIA, Land Councils
South Australia - Nathan Bicknell
Hi, my name is Nathan Bicknell, and I am the Extension officer for South Australia.
I bring an extensive background in fisheries management and applied marine science, which serves as a valuable asset for stakeholders involved in fisheries extension planning and practice. My experience in policy development, stakeholder engagement, and project coordination equips me to support the development of impactful research and development (R&D) priorities. I have a proven track record in facilitating industry training and building governance frameworks that empower communities to adopt best practices, ensuring that R&D investments yield practical, sustainable outcomes.
My expertise in co-management and establishing partnerships across governmental and industry sectors positions me well to guide extension co-design efforts effectively. I help stakeholders enhance the adoption of innovative solutions, improve industry practices, and advance their sustainability objectives.
Extension Focus Areas
Thematic: Fisheries; Monitoring, Assessment, Management and Policy.
Programs of Investment: Ecological Social Governance, Circular Economy and Climate Adaptation.
FRDC Services: Human Development Research.
Research Advisory Committee (RAC): SA RAC and Commonwealth RAC
Western Australia - Felicity Horn
Hi, my name is Felicity Horn and I am the Extension Officer for Western Australia. I have previously worked with the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC) and the Shark Bay Prawn Trawler Operators’ Association.
Since starting in the Extension Officer role, the scope of research ideas being raised from different stakeholders has been overwhelming and varied. This has extended from looking at exploring new offshore fishing opportunities, sustainable packaging, improved vessel efficiency, fishing gear tracking technologies, shark deterrents and reducing both recreational and commercial seafood waste. With so many opportunities coming forward, there is a need to work closely with the peak groups and the WA Research Advisory Committee to ensure the best outcomes can be delivered.
Of the 10 FRDC shared strategic opportunities there are three that I have a particular interest in. Firstly, reducing bycatch, including exploring opportunities to utilise discards and increase seafood production. Secondly, spatial squeeze and its impacts on the seafood sector, arising from increasing pressures from offshore energy, marine parks and other developments. Thirdly, climate impacts on fisheries and marine users. While there are far more immediate issues facing stakeholders, it’s evident that most fisheries are experiencing some level of unseasonal or unexplained change, but this is not well understood or considered.
Extension Focus Areas: Commercial wildcatch, Recreational fishing, Aquaculture, Indigenous fishing
Strategic Extension Focus Areas: Reducing bycatch, value adding/total utilisation, equitable sharing and security of access, climate adaptation.
Research Advisory Committee (RAC): Western Australia Research Advisory Committee | FRDC
FRDC Support Services or Programs: Finnovation
Peak groups: Western Australia Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC), Aquaculture Council of WA (ACWA), Recfishwest
I can be contacted at felicity.horn@frdc.com.au
Victoria - Matt Jones
As the Victorian Extension Officer, I have embarked on an incredible journey engaging with numerous stakeholders in the fishing and aquaculture industries across the state and nationally. This has been a personally enriching experience. I have initiated the process of building awareness of FRDC with diverse groups and facilitating their involvement in research and development opportunities. I will continue this inclusive approach in all aspects of my role and work to extend along research outputs to specific groups or communities in a manner that best suits their needs.
I am filled with excitement about the prospects my role offers. Fostering on-the-ground relationships and facilitating the exchange of valuable information is critical to the ongoing development of fishing and aquaculture. I've found my role to be both challenging and rewarding as I work to integrate FRDC's activities into existing programs and stakeholder groups. The seafood community's diversity, both in geographical locations and perspectives, has guided my focus on understanding and responding to the needs and expectations of our end-users.
Extension focus areas: Aquaculture, inland fisheries
Strategic extension focus areas: Capability and capacity, Aquaculture, biosecurity
FRDC Services/program support: Capability and Capacity Program, Futures of Seafood
Research Advisory Board support: VIC RAC
Rep Orgs: Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA), Victorian Seafood, VR Fish
I can be contacted at matt.jones@frdc.com.au
Extension Officer Manager - Jamie Allnutt
For more information about the Extension Officer Network, please contact Transformational Extension and Adoption Manager Jamie Allnutt at jamie.allnutt@frdc.com.au