FRDC is taking a lead role in the Australian AgriFood Data Exchange initiative, which aims to develop digital infrastructure to transform operations in primary production and food supply chains.
Read more on the Digital exchange to transform fisheries.
As part of this, FRDC supported an experiment involving the Western Rock Lobster fishery. This experiment was presented at the Australian AgriFood Data Exchange demonstration day in April 2022.
Deployment Phase (underway)
The Australian AgriFood Data Exchange (AAFDX) project represents a collaboration of 30+ agrifood industry, government, and research stakeholders. Collectively these organisations have supported the development of a business case for an Australian AgriFood Data Exchange which was delivered in late 2022.
From December 2022 the AAFDX team will begin outreach to parties interested in contributing to funding the establishment of the AAFDX. Alternatively, make contact using the details at the bottom of this page to arrange a discussion about the future investment opportunities, structure and governance of the AAFDX organisation.
FRDC is proud to be a foundational partner in the establishment of the AAFDX.
Proof of Concept Phase (complete)
Read more on the Digital exchange to transform fisheries
As part of the proof-of-concept phase, FRDC supported an experiment involving the Western Rock Lobster fishery. This experiment was presented at the Australian AgriFood Data Exchange demonstration day in April 2022.
Overview of the Western Rock Lobster Traceability experiment
Overview of the Compliance and Certification experiment
Overview of the Biosecurity experiment
Overview of the Benchmarking experiment
Full recording of the day
Related project
- 2020-126: Australian Agrifood Data Exchange (OzAg Data Exchange): Deliver an interconnected data highway for Australia's AgriFood value chain