Published: 17 June 2021 Updated: 3 December 2024
Table of contents


The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is calling for applications that address research, development & extension (RD&E) priorities nominated by the FRDC’s stakeholders. 

The nominated RD&E priorities for investment are outlined below in the current calls for opportunities. Applications that address multiple priorities are encouraged where practical. 

Applicants may also submit an application that aligns to the FRDC R&D Plan 2020-25 but does not address a nominated priority. Please note, preference may be given to applications that address nominated priorities. If you do wish to submit an application that does not address a nominated priority, it is recommended that you consult with the relevant stakeholder group(s) and expected end users to ensure that research concepts have the support of beneficiaries. Support can be demonstrated through project cash contributions, in-kind contributions, incorporation of end users into the concept and formal letters of support. 


Each application must clearly outline:

  • how it will meet the relevant identified priority or a specific opportunity if not addressing an identified priority
  • achievable project objectives which respond to the priority or need
  • proposed methods to achieve the objectives
  • project outputs and outcomes including adoption pathways to impact.  

A realistic budget that reflects the activity to be undertaken is to be provided along with justification for the budget request. Where appropriate, applicants should demonstrate collaboration with other relevant research providers and end users. Proposed projects should consider past and current research to avoid duplication and build on previous outputs. 

Once submitted, FRDC will assess each application as well as seeking an external review by end users and/or technical experts. 

See more information on FRDC’s process for Applying for Funding.

Investment Call Webinar 

Research partners - July 2023



For answers to commonly asked questions, please visit our FAQ page.


* * *

All applications MUST be completed via FishNet so that FRDC receives notification that the application has been submitted.

Applications not submitted by this date may not be accepted unless prior approval for a later submission date is provided by the FRDC.

* * *



If you have any questions or issues with FishNet, please contact the FRDC by phone (02) 6122 2100 or email


Current Calls for opportunities

December 2024 Open Call for R&D Investment Priorities

Explore the detailed opportunities for the following priority areas in December 2024 Open Call for R&D Investment Opportunities.

Priority Title 


Close-kin mark recapture design study to detect Swordfish stock structure 

Commonwealth RAC 

Data and modelling to better understanding environmental and fishery impacts on Southern Calamari stocks in Tasmania to support management decisions 

Tasmanian RAC 

Assessing the functional link between Giant Crab and the bryozoan habitat to understand productivity shifts 

Tasmanian RAC 

Assessment of regional population dynamics of Southern Garfish to inform stock status and spatial management in Tasmania. 

Tasmanian RAC 

Economic analysis of removing pot restrictions in Southern Rock Lobster Fisheries whilst ensuring stock sustainability 

Southern Rock Lobster IPA 

Identifying recreational fishing capability and capacity needs  

Recreational Fishing Research CP 

Stewardship in recreational fishing: a common reference point and roadmap 

Recreational Fishing Research CP 

Is co-management working for the recreational fishing sector? Benchmarking co-management performance in recreational fisheries 

Recreational Fishing Research CP 

Update of national aquaculture ESD assessment frameworks 

AFMF Aquaculture Committee 

Minor use permit for Benzalkonium Chloride (BKC) for algae control in prawn ponds 

Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity CP 

RAC = Research Advisory Committee; IPA = Industry Partnership Agreement; CP = Coordination program, SC = Steering Committee  

Past calls