Published: 21 June 2021 Updated: 30 July 2024

Research Advisory Committees (RACs) play a vital role in ensuring FRDC investment delivers real impact.

There are eight RACs – one representing each State, the Commonwealth, and the Northern Territory – providing advice on priorities and investment needs relevant to the public good and for sectors not covered under our Industry Partnership Agreements.

The RACs will help us deliver the FRDC R&D Plan 2020-2025 by:

  • Taking the lead in identifying, synthesising and aggregating stakeholder priorities.
  • Considering avenues for delivery of R&D outputs and identifying suitable extension activities.
  • Assisting in monitoring FRDC-invested activities and aiding in the delivery of outputs.
  • Helping to identify potential external technical reviewers of applications, including RAC members with suitable expertise and no conflicts of interest.

For further information refer to the RAC Management Procedure.

RAC membership

RAC membership incorporates people with broad fishing, aquaculture and community (including Indigenous) expertise to provide situational awareness and access to their networks.

Committee membership is for a two‐year term and committee members are paid a sitting fee for participation at RAC meetings (unless they are a government employee without a separate ABN).

RAC meetings

RACs convene at least twice a year, with increasing numbers of RAC meetings hosted online via Microsoft Teams. The FRDC coordinates and provides management support for RACs.

The next meeting dates will be confirmed.

RAC Chairs

Independent Chairs lead RAC meetings. The FRDC appoints a small number of common Chairs who preside over two to three RACs each. Chairs have a three-year tenure and are paid a sitting fee.

A selection panel comprising the relevant Director of Fisheries and the FRDC selects each RAC Chair and member.

For an overview of current RAC members and previous supported research:



Committee Member

FRDC Project Manager and contact


Dr Cathy Dichmont

  • Ian Bladin
  • Russell Conway
  • George Day
  • Alistair Hobday
  • Marty Johnson
  • Christine Kershaw
  • Ryan Murphy
  • David Smith
  • James Woodhams

Josh Fielding
T: +61 2 6122 2111

Jamie Allnutt, Transformational Extension and Adoption Manager -


Dr Cathy Dichmont

  • Troy Billin
  • Mark Bulley
  • Karl Mathers
  • Laura Parker
  • Thor Saunders
  • Bruce Schumacher
  • Peter Turnell
  • Graeme Byrnes
  • Laura Stoltenberg

Toby Piddocke
T: +61 2 6122 2121

Kris Cooling, Extension Officer (NSW) -


Dr Heidi Mumme

  • Nicole Anderson
  • David Ciaravolo
  • Samantha Nowland
  • Michael Usher
  • Jamie Damaso
  • Jake Maynard
  • Toni Hedditch

Adrianne Laird  
T: +61 2 6122 2155

Lauren Thornton, Extension Officer (NT) -


Dr Cathy Dichmont

  • David Bobbermen
  • Jessica Hoey
  • David Leotta
  • Leo Nankervis
  • Sam Nicolosi
  • David Sterling
  • Sam Williams
  • Samantha Beckmann
  • Spencer Brown
  • Sian Breen

Adrianne Laird  
T: +61 2 6122 2155 

Steve Eayrs, Extension Officer (QLD) -


Mr Steve Kennelly

  • Gavin Begg
  • Asher Dezsery
  • Rob Gratton
  • Lynlee Lowe
  • Neil MacDonald
  • Whitney Rickett
  • Mike Steer
  • Pat Tripodi
  • Zoe Doubleday
  • Garry Goldsmith

Chris Izzo
T: +61 2 6122 2152

Nathan Bicknell, Extension Officer (SA) -


Dr Heidi Mumme

  • Matt Barrenger
  • Wetjens Dimmlich
  • Brendan Emmett
  • Jane Gallichan
  • Caleb Gardner
  • Julian Harrington
  • Frances Huddlestone
  • Dean Greeno

Josh Fielding
T: +61 2 6122 2111

David Maynard, Extension Officer (TAS) -


Dr Tracey Bradley

  • Corey Green
  • Joshua McIntyre
  • Adam Miller
  • Ben Scullin
  • Matt Wassnig
  • Nicola Sondermeyer
  • Cara Cummings

Toby Piddocke
T: +61 2 6122 2121

Matt Jones, Extension Officer (VIC) -


Mr Brett McCallum

  • Leyland Campbell
  • Manue Daniels
  • Amber Evans
  • Dan Gaughan
  • Heidi Mippy
  • Matt Pember
  • Clinton Syers
  • Mat Vanderklift

Chris Izzo
T: +61 2 6122 2152

Felicity Horn, Extension Officer (WA) -