Project number: 1988-029
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $8,647.00
Principal Investigator: Mike Capra
Organisation: Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1990 - 30 Dec 1993


1. Use the ventral coccygeal nerve preparation of the intact anaesthetised rat to assess the efficiency of mannitol and other antagonists on the reversal of the neurological manifestations of ciguatera poisoning

Final report

Author: Mike Capra
Final Report • 2011-08-01 • 4.60 MB


This is the final report for two Fishing Research and Development Grants, 1987-058 and 1988-029.

Both grants provided funds for research on Ciguatera poisoning and Ciguatoxin. Experimental studies were conducted on fish and mammals.

Both grants are specifically related to ciguatera poisoning and both will be discussed in this combined report. The format of the report is such that it gives an overview of ciguatera based on the literature, a general methods section in which the extraction and partial purification of CTX from fish is described and then sections that address how each of the specific research objectives of the initial proposals were met. At the end of the report significant outcomes and directions for future research are presented.

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