Project number: 1992-062
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $405,205.00
Principal Investigator: Nino Quartararo
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 11 Oct 1992 - 18 Mar 1997


1. To develop techniques for growing-out juvenile snapper to market size in sea cages at the commercial scale
2. To aquire the husbandry skills necessary for holding wild caught snapper in sea cages as an integral part of value-adding for the live fish market

Final report

ISBN: 0-7310-9401-8
Author: Nino Quartararo
Final Report • 1996-07-26 • 1.61 MB


The aim of this project was to farm, on a pilot commercial scale, two indigenous species of marine fish: snapper, Pagrus auratus; and mulloway, Argyrosomus hololepidotus.

The project involved:

  • development of hatchery techniques;
  • intensive rearing of larvae;
  • transport of live fish;
  • design, construction and testing of seacages for research;
  • grow-out of juvenile fish in tanks and seacages;
  • identifying and treating disease outbreaks in seacages;
  • obtaining production data; and
  • obtaining preliminary marketing information.

The project sought to provide information on the possibility of enhancing wild stocks of mulloway by the release of fish originating from a hatchery.

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