Final report
This workshop, entitled "Sustainable Fisheries through Sustaining Fish Habitat", continues the Australian Society for Fish Biology's workshop series and its established tradition of bringing together the country's leading experts to freely discuss specific fish and fishery themes of national importance. Past workshops have preceded the Society's Annual Conferences, and began with a meeting on "Australian Threatened Fishes" in Melbourne in 1985. Themes since then have covered diverse topics: "Advances in Aquaculture", "The Use of By-catch Resources in Australia", "Scientific Advice for Managers: Getting the Message Across", "Tagging - Solution or Problem?", "Introduced and Translocated Fishes and their Ecological Effects", "Legal Sizes and their use in Fisheries Management", "The Measurement of Age and Growth in Fish and Shellfish", "Larval Biology", and "Recruitment Processes".
Since 1988, the workshops have been generously supported by the Fishing Industry Research and Development Council (now the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, FRDC). This support has ensured the attendance of overseas experts at the workshops, and has allowed professional editorial treatment of the published Proceedings. The Bureau of Rural Resources (now, Bureau of Resource Sciences, BRS) has also been most generous in contributing substantially to the costs of publication of Proceedings.
These workshops, and their published Proceedings, are now recognised as benchmarks in the development of fish and fisheries science in Australia.