Project number: 1994-029
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $702,509.79
Principal Investigator: Keith Jones
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 26 Nov 1994 - 1 Aug 2000


1. To carry out a literature search on pilchards and other small pelagic fish species
2. To describe the main bait fisheries including catches, areas and by-catch species
3. To determine the stock structure of the main bait species in east and SE Australia
4. To describe the biology of pilchards in Australia, including age, growth, reproductive cycles and fecundity
5. To evaluate the potential of using egg surveys to estimate spawning biomass of pilchards in SE Australia
6. To estimate the potential yields of pilchards in SE Australia

Final report

ISBN: 0-7308-8301-8
Author: Keith Jones
Final Report • 2000-02-08 • 11.12 MB


This project was initiated in response to a rapid increase in the demand for pilchards and other baitfish species and the subsequent expansion of purse-seine fisheries throughout southeastern Australia. During the course of the proj ect, the need for research on pilchard stocks was further increased by the mass mortality of adult pilchards that occurred between Noosa Heads (Queensland) and Red Bluff (Western Australia) in autumn 1 995 and the decrease in the 1 997 Total Allowable Catch for the Western Australian pilchard fishery which lead to a shortage of pilchards on Australian markets.

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