Project number: 1995-020
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $73,021.00
Principal Investigator: Chris F. Chubb
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 12 Jul 1995 - 30 Jun 1999


1. To prepare a report to industry on the migratory movements of lobsters tagged in recent programmes.
2. To estimate regional growth and mortality rates using existing data from recent programmes to assist in the experimental design of future tagging programmes.
3. To undertake tagging of juveniles in the shallower waters of the Limited Entry Western Rock Lobster Fishery to provide to gain preliminary estimates of exploitation and growth rates and the directions and magnitude of movements.
4. To attempt to recruit and train fishing industry representatives in the procedures of data collection from recaptured tagged lobsters to improve the level of reporting by industry.
5. Preparation of a longer term strategy for providing annual exploitation rates, growth and movements of western rock lobster throughout the Limited Entry Fishery.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7309-1936-6
Author: Chris Chubb
Final Report • 1999-07-01 • 1.53 MB


The very high levels of exploitation in the western rock lobster fishery have resulted in the introduction of regional or zone-specific management arrangements in recent years. This is a permanent departure from an holistic approach to the fishery’s regulation.  A detailed knowledge of regional variations in the growth, movement and mortality of the lobsters is required to support the models assessing regional management options.

A need was identified to supplement the Fisheries Western Australia, Research Division’s resources to enable the full analysis of existing tagging data in terms of growth, movements and mortality; to undertake tagging in shallow water to assist in addressing specific management issues; to improve the level of tag recapture information from industry; and to develop a strategic approach to tagging that would assist in providing appropriate advice to management and industry, given the regional approach to the fishery’s regulation.

Tagging of western rock lobsters, using “spaghetti” tags in a dorsal or ventral (or both) position, has been undertaken opportunistically for many years but this report is concerned with data collected from 1988 to 1996.  Most recaptures of tagged lobsters were made during the first commercial season after release (approximately 75%), however, recaptures did occur for up to five seasons post-release. 

Keywords: Western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus, tagging, migration, growth, mortality.

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