Project number: 1995-082
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $77,672.00
Principal Investigator: Kathleen Soole
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 25 Oct 1995 - 30 Aug 2002


1. To compare biochemical methods of assessing the effects of pollutant stress in tuna with methods currently used. New methods include measurement of adenylates and ATPase in fish tissue samples.
2. To evaluate methods of sampling fish or fish tissues from pens which will reduce stress and improve the probability of recovery of sampled fish which are returned to the pens. This part of the project will be closely co-ordinated with workers evaluating current sampling practices.
3. To evaluate the use of the biochemical responses of other species (e.g. tommy ruff, blue mussels) which cohabit with tuna in farm pens as surrogate indicators of pollutant stress experienced by tuna.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7258-0779-2
Author: Kathleen Soole

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