Project number: 1997-128
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $106,500.00
Principal Investigator: David Smith
Organisation: Seafood Industry Victoria Inc (SIV)
Project start/end date: 26 Jun 1997 - 7 Jun 2004


In recent years a market has been established for live blue throat wrasse. The total catch has risen rapidly from less than 10 tonnes during the early 1990s to almost 60 tonnes in 1995/96. The number of fishers targeting wrasse has also increased with 50 Victorian fishers taking wrasse by hand-line during 1995/96 compared to less than 5 in 1989/90.. Given the life history of the species the possibility of rapidly over-fishing wrasse in Victoria waters cannot be discounted. A number of fishers who target the blue throat wrasse have already raised concern that in recent years catch rates have declined and the size of fish has decreased.

Currently there is no information available on the biology and population dynamics of blue throat wrasse in Victorian waters. In view of this there is a great need to further our knowledge and understanding of the species. To ensure that the fishery is sustainable, accurate information on the biology is required so that long term management strategies can be introduced.


1. To describe the biology of and fishery for blue throat wrasse in Victorian waters.
2. To provide the scientific data necessary for rational management of the resource.

Final report

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