Project number: 1997-412
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $37,000.00
Principal Investigator: Phillip Walsh
Organisation: Seafood Industry Victoria Inc (SIV)
Project start/end date: 20 Apr 1998 - 12 Jul 1999


1. The principal objective of this project is to develop and produce a resource which will provide the basic framework for seafood businesses to customise a food safety program according to the needs of their sector. This resource once finalised and segmented will provide essential content to both levels of information packages addressing food safety - both the general safety SeaQual Pack One and as a significant document in the more detailed/technical customised packages delivered as AUSEAS/SeaQual technical information packages. (Note: The NSC Advisory Committee and the NSC Commercial Manager are the final decision makers about where the information developed under this project is available for further reproduction an/or distribution).This resource will also contain the framework and guidelines for a seafood accreditation arrangement.Using this resource we will:- improve communication between all stakeholders in the industry in relation to food safety issues
- improve compliance with and understanding of the food safety legislation, therefore lessening the risk of a major food safety incident
- establish a model for use by other States and sectors of the seafood industry to assist them comply with the National Food Hygiene Standards
- provide a basis for the establishment of a SeaQual accreditation program
- increase the profile of the industry in the market place through an increased reputation for quality product.

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