Project number: 2001-251
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $212,860.00
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 1 Jun 2006


1. To identify R & D priorities for reducing the real cost of aquaculture diets and feeding and increasing the use of Australian agricultural ingredients in aquaculture diets.
2. Establish what the fundamental non species specific nutritional constraints are to aquaculture production (eg diet form, nutritional requirements, feeding strategies, feed evolution or a combination of several factors) and then establish and manage a collaborative core research program to address this.
3. Develop a risk management strategy for all aquaculture industries in relation to nutrition to assist the research priority setting process.
4. Forge an agreement between the FRDC an other relevant RDC's and research providers for the management of research relating to aquaculture nutrition under the auspices of an aquaculture nutrition subprogram accounting for variations in priorities between agencies.
5. Define and facilitate a mechanism for lead agencies for the commercialisation of all relevant nutrition research arising from FRDC funded projects.
6. Provide a single point of contact for aquaculture nutrition research in Australia and improve the aquaculture nutrition skills base in Australia.
7. Facilitate the functions of an aquaculture nutrition "Expert Working Group" to ensure ongoing research programs have a high degree of industry relevance and focus.
8. Improve communication of nutrition research outcomes and current nutrition research between scientists, aquaculturists, ingredient suppliers and feed manufacturers.

Final report

Author: Robert van Barneveld
Final Report • 2006-04-29 • 1.11 MB


The Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram was established to maintain communication and momentum in aquaculture nutrition research in Australia, and to ensure focussed investment in this research discipline and optimum return on research investment. The Subprogram was successful in establishing an Expert Working Group used for the evaluation of research projects and strategic research priorities, a strategic plan for 2002-2007, a number of short courses, workshops and conference sessions,  and the basis for a more standardised and relevant approach to aquaculture nutrition research through a methodology manual.

Keywords: aquaculture, nutrition

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