Project number: 2002-319
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,510.00
Principal Investigator: Ross Ord
Organisation: Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2002 - 30 Jun 2003


1. To develop the induction kit in consultation with end users.
2. To identify the contents of the induction kit.
3. Trial the induction kit with one Commonwealth fisheries MAC.

Final report

Author: Ross Ord
Final Report • 2003-04-06 • 1,007.45 KB


An FRDC funded project on incorporating MAC (Management Advisory Committee) competencies into the Seafood Industry Training Package was completed in December 2001. The report from that project contained detail of the skills and knowledge required by MAC members to fulfil their role and responsibilities competently. One of the recommendations from this report suggested that the induction of new MAC members needed improvement.

The report stated that there was wide support for improved written communication about the operation of MACs and the basic technical knowledge required to allow meaningful debate of the scientific, economic and environmental issues. The development of an induction kit was one of a range of measures to improve the effectiveness of MAC members.

Keywords: Management Advisory Committees, MAC induction, Human Capital Development.

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