Project number: 2002-600
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $18,372.75
Principal Investigator: Mark S. Crane
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 26 Jun 2002 - 31 Oct 2005


The report (Attachment 2 ) of the Working Group to review FHMC was considered by FHMC at its meeting on 29 November 2001. FHMC agreed with the Working Group’s recommendation to reconstitute FHMC into a new body, named the Aquatic Animal Health Consultative Committee (AAHCC). Subsequently, a 2-page summary document was prepared, with the suggested Terms of Reference for the new AAHCC, its membership, modus operandi, and funding arrangements (Attachment 3 ). FHMC also suggested that a business plan for AAHCC be developed, which would, inter alia, incorporate the FHMC-endorsed plan for the Australian Aquatic Animal Health Information System (AAAHIS) (Attachment 4 ). FHMC agreed that the 2-page summary document on the suggested AAHCC needed to be widely circulated to stakeholders, accompanied by an AAHCC business plan, by the FHMC Working Group Report, and by the revised AAAHIS Business/Operational Plan. This consultation process is planned for the second and third quarter 2002 (see Attachment 5 for a flow-chart). Following endorsement by stakeholders, the AAHCC business plan is to be presented to the Primary Industries Standing Committee (PISC) for endorsement at their in-session meeting in September 2002.
The project application seeks funding for the consultancy to develop the draft AAHCC business plan and support the subsequent stakeholder consultation process.


1. To prepare a draft business plan for the suggested Aquatic Animal Health Consultative Committee.
2. To facilitate the stakeholder consultation process on the ‘AAHCC package’ including the draft business plan for AAHCC and the AAAHIS business plan.
3. To finalise the ‘AAHCC package’ including the final business plan for AAHCC and the AAAHIS business plan, and submit it to the Primary Industries Standing Committee (PISC) and key industry stakeholders for endorsement.
4. To facilitate the establishment of AAHCC.

Final report

ISBN: 0-9752347-1-4
Author: Eva-Maria Bernoth
Final Report • 2004-04-16 • 710.99 KB


The development and implementation of AQUAPLAN, Australia’s National Strategic Plan for Aquatic Animal Health 1998-2003, was overseen by an interim joint industry/government committee, the Fish Health Management Committee (FHMC). In November 2001, a working group established to review FHMC found that FHMC had fulfilled its terms of references, and that a new body, the Aquatic Animal Health Consultative Committee (AAHCC) should be formed. FHMC agreed with the working group’s recommendations and suggested that a business plan for AAHCC be developed, which would, amongst others, incorporate the FHMC-endorsed plan for the Australian Aquatic Animal Health Information System (AAAHIS). Following a stakeholder consultation process, the AAHCC business plan was to be presented to the Primary Industries Standing Committee (PISC) for endorsement at their in-session meeting in September 2002.

The aim of this project was to support a consultancy to develop the draft AAHCC business plan and to support the subsequent stakeholder consultation process.

Keywords: aquatic animal health; disease; aquaculture; consultation; policy development

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