Project number: 2003-045
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $269,037.00
Principal Investigator: Jeremy Hindell
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 30 Aug 2003 - 30 Apr 2006


Blue-eye trevalla is an important species in the South East Fishery. Blue-eye trevalla is taken in large quantities by the trawl and non-trawl sectors in south eastern coastal waters and around offshore seamounts. Despite the high value of this species in the trawl and non-trawl fisheries, however, there is limited information on the stock structure and appropriate management units. Bolch et al. (1993) concluded there was sufficient gene flow to prevent genetic differentiation between blue-eye trevalla off Tasmania, South Australia and NSW, but the sample sizes were small, there are limitations to allozyme electrophoresis (the method they used), and they did not sample fish from NZ. Ward and Last (1993) suggested that, given the known limitations of allozyme electrophoresis, further genetic studies based on mitochondrial DNA analyses and larger samples be undertaken. As a consequence, the relationship between fish caught off the south eastern Australian coast and those taken from offshore seamounts is unknown. The need to identify the stock structure of Blue-eye trevalla has also been identified as a high priority by the blue-eye working group and SEFAG.

In recent years, developmental trawl fishing has been occurring in the East Coast Deep Water (ECDW) fishery. Significant amounts of blue-eye trevalla have been caught in this fishery from grounds well to the east of 157ºE, and currently these fish are under the same quota restrictions that apply to the rest of the SEF trawl fishery. The large distances between the ECDW fishing grounds and grounds where most of the east coast blue-eye are caught has led fishers to question whether the ECDW fish can be considered part of the stock upon which the TAC was based. There is an urgent need to assess the stock structure of blue-eye trevalla caught throughout the SEF, the ECDW fisheries and New Zealand. The results from a study assessing the stock structure of this species will provide managers with information on potential management units.

A proposal to investigate the relationships between blue-eye trevalla caught in the ECDW zone and the SEF was submitted to AFMA in 2001, and although supported, it was not funded at this time for a number of reasons. In response to suggestions from AFMA, the MACs and SEFAG, it was decided that the proposal should be re-submitted in 2002. To address suggestions from industry and management groups that the stock structure of blue-eye needed to be evaluated over a much larger area, the extent of the project was expanded to include blue-eye samples from across south eastern Australia, including offshore seamounts (such as those off Tasmania, Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands) and New Zealand.


1. To use otolith microchemistry and shape analyses to assess the stock relationships between blue-eye trevalla caught in 8 regions (east , west and south Tasmania, west Victoria/South Australia, east Victoria and East Coast Deep Water, Queensland/NSW shelf waters and the west coast of New Zealand)(YEAR 1).
2. To a) validate the results from otolith microchemistry and shape analyses, and b) better assess stock structure of blue-eye trevalla in the regions identified in objective 1, using mitochondrial DNA analyses (YEAR 2).
3. To determine a suitable approach for assessing stock structure in blue-eye trevalla in south-east Australia, and make recommendations on the most appropriate methods for future work (including sample size and spatial/temporal sampling), to better understand the stock structure of blue-eye trevalla in the SEF and ECDW fisheries.
4. To utilise the results from all analyses in the assessment and management of blue-eye trevalla via meetings of the relevant stakeholder groups including SETMAC, SENTMAC, AFMA and the blue-eye working group.

Final report

ISBN: 1-74146-575-3
Author: Jeremy Hindell
Final Report • 2006-12-13


This work is principally about identifying the best method for examining the population structure of blue-eye trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica). It is not, and was never intended to be, an exhaustive assessment of stock structure of blue-eye trevalla in Australia’s Fishing Zone. As such, findings on stock structure per se are preliminary only.
Blue-eye trevalla are a key economic species in Australia’s Fishing Zone. They are caught from NSW, around Tasmania, to Western Australia. Blue-eye are caught in both the trawl and non trawl fishing sectors, within which they are regarded as non-target and target species, respectively. The total allowable catch in 2004 was 743 tonnes across the non-trawl and trawl sectors, but only 651 tonnes were actually caught. Nonetheless, this catch had an estimated market value of more than $5 million AUD (based on average prices paid at the Sydney Fish Market). Less than 1% of blue-eye landings were discarded across the fisheries. The non trawl catch in 2004 was 567 tonnes, compared to 84 tonnes taken in the trawl sector. Most of the non-trawl catch is now taken by long lines off the east coast of Tasmania; since 2002 there has been a decline in the catch taken on drop lines. Since 1999 there has also been a decline in catches of blue-eye in the trawl sector.
Blue-eye trevalla are managed as a single stock. Research to date supports this management regime. Results from previous work on genetics (allozyme analyses) suggest that gene flow is sufficient to prevent genetic differentiation among fish collected from seamounts off NSW to those off Tasmania, and around the Tasmanian coast. Tagging studies suggest that juvenile fish (around 50 cm length) can move from NSW slope waters to those off eastern Tasmania; still smaller individuals (< 20 cm in length) can possibly drift between Australia and New Zealand. Despite this evidence, there is some uncertainty in whether fish from offshore seamounts, particularly those in the East Coast Deep Water, are the same
‘stock’ as those along Australia’s continental shelf.
This study used 4 different approaches (otolith shape analysis, otolith elemental microchemistry, otolith stable isotope analysis, mitochondrial DNA) to compare which method best delineated subpopulations of blue-eye sampled from 6 regions of the South East Fishery (SEF: NSW, east Victoria, east, south and west Tasmania, and South Australia), the East Coast Deep Water region, and New Zealand – 8 regions in total.
Samples of fish were collected opportunistically from commercial landings in each of these regions. Only fish with a fork length of approximately 50 cm or less were used. This enabled us to restrict the age of the fish we sampled, thereby ensuring that patterns among regions were a reflection of differences in stock structure rather than age. We collected at least 40 samples (individual fish) from all of the regions except NSW, from which we could only collect 30 fish (20 of which were of the ‘correct’ size). For each fish, we recorded the fork length, identified the sex (where possible), removed the otoliths for shape and microchemical analyses, and took tissue samples for genetic analyses.

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