Project number: 2003-248
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $13,500.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Sellers
Organisation: Department of Industry Tourism and Trade
Project start/end date: 23 Oct 2003 - 30 Aug 2004


Whilst at least three potential species of sponge have been identified, together with communities eager to participate, there is no information on the abundance of these sponges to act as broodstock, not detailed information on site suitability.

This project will build on the work of the pilot study (FRDC 2001/225) which indicated sponge farming appeared to be technologically, economically and culturally suited to remote indigenous areas.

Commonwealth and State governments increasingly recognise the need to foster economic activity which increases the participation of indigenous people in the fishing industry. This is particularly relevant in the NT where 28% of the population is aboriginal and some 85% of the coastline is aboriginal owned.


1. Survey the area surrounding participating communities to determine broodstock abundance.
2. Select possible sites on which to establish farms.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7245-4712-6
Author: Richard Sellers

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