Project number: 2003-415
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $42,000.00
Principal Investigator: Bryan Skepper
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2004 - 1 Mar 2007


The need for this project was clearly identified in the WorkCover NSW funded research project on Manual Handling Methods in the Seafood Industry that was undertaken in 2002.

One of the key recommendations from that project was the need for “a strategic, co-ordinated and national approach” for “OHS education and training for all people working in the industry”.

This project meets the FRDC Program 2: Industry Development Priority for Occupational Health and Safety as it will increase and apply knowledge of occupational health and safety in the fishing industry. It would also fall under the Legislative, institutional, compliance and policy arrangements and their Impacts priority area of this Program.

In addition the project is in conformance with SSA’s Segment 5 market segment priority by contributing to ensuring that industry is operating to best practice occupational health and safety standards.


1. To develop and produce an OH&S training video for the post harvest sector of industry, that meets the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and is compatible with the competency requirements of the Seafood Industry Training Package.

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