Project number: 2004-304
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,700.97
Principal Investigator: Carolyn Anderson
Organisation: Corvel Marketing and Management
Project start/end date: 30 May 2004 - 13 Jan 2006


All Australian prawn fisheries face a number of common national and international issues. In particular the community expectations and perception of trawl fisheries is having a major impact on current, and future, activities operations. Many prawn fisheries are under pressure to change practices due to real or perceived negative impacts on the marine environment or other marine species. There is no common policy or public approach to these issues and the fisheries are not exchanging information on their experiences in a constructive manner.

Additionally, international markets are increasing their demands for accreditation of fishing practices from supplier countries and fisheries. Again, there is a need to develop a national approach to this issue and for fisheries to exchange information on how the threat to future sales is being addressed.

International markets are also being overwhelmed by production of prawns from aquaculture and there is no credible marketing approach from wild fisheries to this threat.

In short there is a need for funding support to develop the momentum for a national prawn (fishing) industry conference to be held in 2004 which will provide an opportunity for industry members to be exposed to the key threats and opportunities in their industry and will encourage networks and information exchange between States and fisheries.

Such a forum will address issues identified in the FRDC Strategic Plan relating to Fisheries Management, Industry Development and Human Capital Development. The conference program will provide opportunities for improving management across all prawn fisheries through the exchange of information, it will assist industry development by providing opportunities for coordination of activities at a national level and will provide a forum for providing members of the industry with better information, therefore contributing to the human capital in the industry.


1. To establish a National Prawn Fisheries Conference on the national industry agenda.
2. To expose industry members to key national and international issues and advances relevant to their industry
3. To form networks between members of Australia’s prawn fisheries

Final report

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