Project number: 2004-412
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Matthew Muggleton
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2005 - 27 Sep 2007


SRL has recently commissioned global market research (FRDC 2004/251) which indicates that alternative ultra-premium and substantially higher value markets exist in Europe, the Middle East and United States. To position product in the ultra-premium end of these markets the research has identified several critical success factors namely:
1. differentiation through establishing an Australian Southern Rocklobster 'brand'
2. establishing and promoting brand values
3. guaranteeing the 'offer' or 'brand' attributes and
4. reliablity of supply.

The ability to identify products, with demonstrated credence attributes, and the value of this ability to value chains, will be key factors to the success of delivering products that meet market needs in new niche markets for Southern Rocklobster. As well trace back systems are emerging e.g. Europe as compulsory tools for collection and delivery of a range of information about products to both customers and regulators.


1. To evaluate and compare indestructible and tamperproof informative tags/labels to provide for traceability of Australian Southern Rocklobster from the point of capture (wild fishery) to the point of consumption.
2. To integrate and promote existing best practice (Clean Green Australian Southern Rocklobster Integrated 'pot to plate' environment and product standards) by including relevant information on the informative tag/label.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9803977-0-3
Author: Matthew Muggleton

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