Most Australian commercial fishers are faced with a very challenging period ahead. With the prospect of further price rises in petroleum-based fuel, combined with a domestic oil deficit predicted to emerge past 2015, and a global need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Australian fishing industry is seeking ways to improve the energy efficiency of its operations and to find viable alternative energy sources.
Whilst the development and trial of alternative energy technologies is well advanced in the road transport sector, the maritime sector has received less attention, particularly in Australia.
There is a need to bring together alternative energy providers, fishing vessel and gear designers, fishing operators, industry representatives, researchers and funding providers to discuss the potential for alternative energy technologies and energy-efficient design for commercial fishing operations in Australia. Following this it is highly desirable to scope methods of reducing energy usage through, for example, improved gear efficiencies and vessel design including propulsion systems, and to develop an R&D agenda for advancing alternative energy use and energy efficiency in Australia’s fishing fleet.
A beneficial spin-off of the work would be to develop a guide that can inform the industry on existing and new developments in this area, and where the greatest potential for fuel efficiencies lies.