Project number: 2005-314
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Millington
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 30 Aug 2005 - 1 Sep 2006


1. To build on property rights concept, and take forward the issue of resource allocation and sustainablity in fisheries via the "Sharing the Fish conference".

Final report

Author: Peter Millington
Final Report • 2007-01-09 • 380.55 KB


Sharing the Fish06 Conference was held from 26 February – 2 March 2006 and preceded by the FAO Pre Conference Workshop on 23 – 24 February 2006.

Sharing the Fish06 Conference was an initiative of the Department of Fisheries Western Australia.  The aim of the conference was to focus on resource allocation and the sustainability of fisheries and to provide a neutral and objective forum for the multi-disciplinary discussion of the elements of effective allocation of fisheries resources to ensure their sustainability.  Sharing the Fish06 Conference aimed to build on the property rights concept and take forward the issue of resource allocation and sustainability in fisheries.

The fundamental question to be addressed by the conference was "How may fisheries managers and policy makers go about considering, undertaking, and implementing the allocation of fish resources to ensure their sustainability, be these issues considered at the stakeholder, local, national, international or regional level?

The FAO Pre Conference Workshop on 23 – 24 February 2006 was attended by over 100 people and was successful in providing a grounding on allocation concepts for participants.

A total of 321 people attended conference and workshop (representing 321 people, from about 40 countries).  This attendance was weighted towards developed countries as potential participants from developing countries could not obtain travel sponsorship and the conference funding was not designed to address this gap.  

FRDC requested a special session that focused on issues and solutions for resource sharing in Australia.  Over 100 people attended this session.

Sharing the Fish06 Conference was successful in meeting its objectives and received considerable positive feedback from participants about the quality of both the intellectual content and the organisation.  Proceedings will be published by the Department of Fisheries Western Australia.

Project products

Proceedings • 2.27 MB
Sharing the Fish '06.pdf


The “Sharing the Fish ’06: allocation issues in fisheries management” conference was organized to address the fundamental, and essential, question of “When fisheries are under fishing pressure, who gets what?” It was also an obvious next step after the FishRights99: Use of property rights in fisheries management conference that was also held in Fremantle, Western Australia, and similarly hosted by the Department of Fisheries of the Government of Western Australia in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) six years prior. As previously, over 345 delegates attended.

These proceedings contain the main papers and presentations from “Sharing the  Fish ’06: Allocation issues in fisheries management” conference that was held in Fremantle, Western Australia, 27 February to 2 March 2006. They include the substantial work of the keynote and invited speakers covering the three themes of the conference which addressed the critical fisheries management topics of: (i) allocations across jurisdictions (including governmental, regional and multilateral, and national allocation issues); (ii) allocations within sectors (including extractive and non-extractive allocations issues; management issues; and, commercial, artisanal and tourism allocations issues); and (iii) allocations between sectors (including customary/indigenous, recreational, commercial, and artisanal/subsistence allocation issues).

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