Project number: 2005-321
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jane Stewart
Organisation: Sustain Ability International Pty Ltd (SAI)
Project start/end date: 8 Nov 2005 - 31 Dec 2006


It is becoming more and more evident that today’s modern consumers are disconnected from the social, economic and environmental impacts of their consumption habits. Although the fisheries industry, along with a number of other Australian industries, has started to explore some of these key issues, no research has been undertaken to look at the full picture here in Australia. This pilot project will address Challenge 6 of the FRDC’s Strategy by investigating a range of issues associated with the production and consumption across the fisheries industry. It will produce reference information that covers a range of issues relevant to the fisheries industry.


1. To research the interconnected issues of production and consumption across the fisheries industry
2. To incorporate this information into a program covering chains of production and consumption across all major industries in Australia.

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