Project number: 2005-323
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $28,690.24
Principal Investigator: Bill Sawynok
Organisation: Recfish Australia
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2006 - 30 Sep 2006


The need for this workshop was identified by the FRDC Board.

Stock enhancement decisions are the responsibility of State Fisheries agencies and most of these have developed, or are developing, policies on stocking that include such issues as translocation, genetics and disease mitigation. However in a number of cases these polices have been developed in isolation of recreational fishers, commercial fishers or community groups interested in stoocking.

A considerable difference in knowledge exists between government, industry and community on the appropriateness and risks of stock enhancement as a management tool. This has lead to (particularly) recreational fishers seeking political intervention and decisions being made based on political lobbying rather than on sound scientific assessment of the circumstances.

There is a need for government and industry to agree on the current key research, development and extension (RDE) priorities in the use of stock enhancement as a management tool.


1. Identify the key research, development and extension associated with finfish stock enhancement, fish stocking and stock recovery.
2. Publish the proceedings and a strategic paper on the research priorities identified at the workshop.

Final report

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