Project number: 2006-245
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $35,750.00
Principal Investigator: Carl Young
Organisation: Seafood Farming Services
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2006 - 30 Jun 2007


The barramundi farming industry is entering a new phase of cooperation. Increasingly growers appreciate the benefits of working closely together. In order to capitalise on the many opportunities now open to the industry it is timely that a formal planning process is undertaken.

Most in the industry recognise that there is more to gain from cooperation than destructive competition, and that other domestic growers do not pose a threat (nor does the wild caught sector) but rather an opportunity to capitalise on mutual advantages.

Also, there is a recognition of the need to build on existing strengths and improve farm efficiency through technology and innovation and build a market reputation based on quality products.

In order to take full advantage of the opportunities facing the industry it is important that a well coordinated strategic approach is adopted and documented.


1. Preparation of an overarching farmed barramundi industry strategic plan.
2. Preparation of a series of detailed implementation plans for four key areas namely: sustainability, marketing and value adding, value chain management, and innovation and R&D projects.
3. Better communication, involvement and commitment from barramundi growers nationally to drive the strategic planning proces.
4. Greater participation by stakeholders in the sustainable management and development of the industry.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-47621-6
Author: Carl Young
Final Report • 2007-05-31 • 201.24 KB


The barramundi industry has the potential for significant growth. To date this potential has not been met for a variety of reasons; profitability concerns, technical production and performance issues, site development constraints, and price and competition uncertainties all impact on the confidence of new investors to the industry.

However existing growers in the industry are very optimistic about its growth potential.  They are also aware of the need for the industry to cooperate to achieve their individual and collective development goals. The process for the preparation of this strategy has been important. Together the industry has set a range of development priorities, and is committed to their implementation. 

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