Project number: 2007-301.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2007 - 11 Nov 2008


For aquaculture in Australia to remain internationally competitive farmers need to hear about the latest technology and issues that will govern how they operate and expand. Scientists and technicians need to share their data and ideas and hear first hand from industry what their priorities are. Policy makers need to understand the industry they regulate. All groups benefit from understanding Australian aquaculture in the context of international developments. There are many lessons to be learnt from aquaculturists overseas. An international aquaculture conference will meet these needs. Industry needs to learn of research outcomes occurring internationally and developments in new technology demonstrated at the trade show. It is a costly exercise for industry to tour overseas, however, a conference and trade show offers the opportunity to expose Australian industry to new ideas ensuring the industry remains informed and can exploit new opportunities and/or adapt to remain competitive.

Many events such as these fail to meet the needs of industry because industry is not involved with the planning and organisation of the conference. The organisation of Australasia Aquaculture 2008, will be carried out by the National Aquaculture Council (NAC) of Australia, the Asian Pacific Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society (WAS) and lcoal industry organisations. The NAC will ensure the conference is strongly focused to Australian aquaculture industry needs.WAS will assist in ensuring the event is attended by international experts and equipment suppliers.

This conference will be the premium aquaculture conference to be held in Australia in the Asia Pacific region and replaces the previous Tasmanian biennial aquaculture conference.


1. Provide an international forum for aquaculture stakeholders to identify pathways to the sustainable development of Australian aquaculture.
2. Provide an international trade show of aquaculture equipment and services, fully integrated with the conference.
3. To promote Australian aquaculture to international interests

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