Project number:
Project Status:
Budget expenditure:
Principal Investigator:
James Fogarty
Shearwater Consulting Pty Ltd
Project start/end date:
27 Feb 2007
30 Jun 2008
The Australian Rock Lobster Industry faces continuing challenges relating to market access, human resources, fisheries management, cost of production and quota implementation.
Issues that need to be addressed include:
1. Continuing the line of successful Congress meetings since 1999.
2. Examine and offer solutions to competing demands of resource allocation.
3. Build on the implementation of common national and international marketing strategies commmenced in Hobart 2005.
4. Address and offer some solutions to common boat costings such as Crew Availability, Fuel costs etc.
1. Update Industry members on key issues of strategic national importance
2. Continue to develop strategic approaches to lobster market development
3. Develop greater understanding of resource sharing and quota management
Final report
James Fogarty