In the 2007/2008 FRDC application round, the SQAA (pipi gatherers Assoc.) has submitted a proposal for a Pipi breeding program in order to maintain stocks at an optimum which will accommodate increases in production to meet the demands of an expanding market. This along with an effective management regime will result in the long term profitably and sustainability of the pipi industry.
FRDC Board concerns over this program were:
1) concerns over the economic feasibility of the application
2) concerns on the ability to monitor the re-seeding progress and success
3) there is little evidence that management measures currently in place will ensure sustainability of fishery if re-seeding is successful."
The timing of the original application prevented NSW FRAB consideration of the proposal before submission, however they have subsequently seen the application and in their response to the applicant reinforced the boards concerns and stated "The FRAB suggests that a proposal be submitted to the TRF for bioeconomic analysis and, if this provides a positive result, an application should be submitted in next year’s funding round."
The SQAA believes the concerns of the FRDC Board and the FRAB have been addressed as outlined in a modified application to be concurrently submitted in this FRDC funding round. However, the SQAA has acknowledged the value of bioeconomic analysis and the need to demonstrate potentially feasibility. Accordingly, this program has been proposed and will be used as a critical decision point for further research. In the event of an unfavourable outcome, reseeding research will not be progressed and the accompanying applications will be withdrawn until fundamental changes occur that alter the underlying assumptions of the model developed.