Project number: 2008-314.17
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $6,000.00
Principal Investigator: Paul Hardy-Smith
Organisation: Panaquatic Health Solutions Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2009 - 22 Oct 2009


Effective and practical on farm biosecurity is critical to the ongoing sustainability and profitability of aquaculture industries. Practical biosecurity is also critical for wild catch fishers harvesting aquatic species such as abalone.
There is a real need for Australia's aquatic animal veterinary expertise to maintain an up to date understanding of aquaculture biosecurity. Dr Hardy-Smith works full time with aquatic animal in Australia and provides, on a daily basis, specific biosecurity advice to clients farming or harvesting many different aquatic species in many states and the NT.
He also provides specific farm level biosecurity advice to governments.
This conference specifically addresses the issues of practical, on farm biosecurity, including the economic impact of disease and biosecurity programs . Other critical topics include:
• Components of ideal biosecurity plans and programs
• International, regional and national strategies
• Identifying and prioritizing hazardous diseases and evaluating risks
• Disease epidemiology, surveillance and monitoring
• Control and eradication contingency plans and programs
• Disease diagnostics, medical and farm record keeping
• Implementing, auditing and certifying biosecurity programs

Having Dr Hardy-Smith attend this conference addresses the needs outlined above.
There is also a need for both aquaculture farmers and wild catch fishers to keep abreast of the latest technology in the farming and capturing of aquatic species. The biosecurity conference is being held in conjunction with Aqua Nor 2009, an internationally important aquaculture industry trade show which showcases the latest in technology in fish farming. Besides such equipment as fish pumps, other technology to be presented at Aqua Nor 2009 will centre on vaccination of aquatic animals, feeding and nutrition of aquatic animals and housing/controlling of aquatic animals.
If Dr Hardy-Smith does attend the biosecurity conference, it would seem reasonable and highly beneficial for him also to attend Aqua Nor.


1. Attendance at the International Biosecurity conference by Dr Paul Hardy-Smith
2. Attendance at Aqua Nor 2009 by Dr Paul Hardy-Smith

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