Project number: 2008-314.24
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,067.00
Principal Investigator: Adam Main
Organisation: Salmon Tasmania
Project start/end date: 22 Jun 2011 - 29 Sep 2011


The primary activity to be supported by this grant is attendance at the Aqua Nor Forum, held 16 - 19 August 2011 Trondheim Norway.

Aqua Nor has been an important international venue for the aquaculture industry for over 30 years. Attendees are introduced to aquaculture related products, services and research and development projects of relevance to the industry. All the major aquaculture countries are represented by exhibitors, visitors or delegations.

With your support, this opportunity will provide me with exposure to alternate methodologies, differing business models and a range of problems and solutions that I may not encounter if my focus is directed solely within Tasmania.

I believe that the knowledge that I will gain from attending the Forum in Norway, from talking with other companies, industry associations, and research providers, will enable me to assist the salmon and trout growing industry in Tasmania achieve future sustainable growth in line with its industry strategy.


1. Interact with internationally relevant personnel and organisations, government agencies, aquaculture association bodies and committees.
2. Establish and maintain an effective communication strategy relevant for both the local and international environment.
3. Represent TSGA to the wider research community, industry associations and other government agencies, the media, community organisations, suppliers, competitors, professional organisations and similar groups.
4. Promote, validate and improve our research and development portfolio/strategy with input from the international aquaculture community.
5. Seek great ‘fuel’ for our marketing campaigns or other business strategies and enable me to ‘try some new things’.
6. Increase my exposure to alternate methodologies, differing business models and a range of problems and solutions that I may not encounter if my focus is directed solely within Tasmania.

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