Project number: 2008-314.32
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $6,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jamin Forbes
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Project start/end date: 30 Jul 2013 - 13 Oct 2013


My project investigates rec fisher catch, harvest and effort for Murray cod, golden perch and Murray crayfish using survey methodologies. I am also investigating length and age at maturity for Murray cod and golden perch to assess existing minimum legal lengths, and also using calcein marked hatchery reared Murray cod to assess the effectiveness of stocking this species. I plan to present some of my results, most likely from the fisher survey, to the American fisheries society at their annual conference where I will gain exposure to other experts in this field and share my knowledge and findings with other researchers. In addition to the conference attendance I will also spend time with either Mark Allen who researches striped bass (which correlates closely with Murray cod), or ken pollock, who is a global authority with fisher surveys.


1. To network with other researchers at an international conference
2. To learn from industry leaders and incorporate this new knowledge to NSW fisheries
3. To present my findings at the international level

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