Project number: 2008-314.38
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $6,000.00
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 30 May 2014 - 30 Oct 2014


Inland fish stocking programs in NSW are administered by NSW DPI under the NSW Freshwater Fish Stocking Fishery Management Strategy (FMS) which outlines the rules, regulations and programs for fish stocking. The FMS is due for review in the near future and it is an opportune time to investigate the strategies used by international agencies for the management of their stocking programs. An extensive worldwide network of scientists and fisheries managers will be in attendance at the FSBI conference in Hull and it will be most beneficial to gain exposure on an international scale, obtain up to date information and share perspectives on inland fisheries management with experts from international agencies. In addition to attendance at the conference, I have made contact with several staff members from the Environment Agency and the Angling Trust to gain further insights into the management of inland fish stocking programs in the UK. I have organised to meet with these experts at various locations including Brampton, Reading and Frimley outside of the conference to gain further exposure and directly observe management practices and perceptions from both Government and non-Government organisations which may be transferable to existing NSW programs and other Australian jurisdictions developing or refining stocking policies. The project will assist in bridging the gap between management and research by potentially identifying key research priorities for stocking programs. The project will importantly enhance my international presentation, networking and analysis skills which are essential for my development as a future leader in fisheries management.


1. To provide a presentation and receive feedback from an international audience on the management of NSW freshwater fish stocking programs and assessment process.
2. To network with other fisheries managers and researchers.
3. To gain knowledge from international fisheries managers to apply to NSW stocking programs.
4. To add to my personal development and leadership skills through the above objectives.

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