Project number: 2008-737
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Hannah Williams
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2008 - 29 Jun 2011


Tropical snapper species are have a highly variable shelf-life during chilled storage. The overall aim of this project is to determine why Goldband Snapper (Pristipomoides multidens) has a greater shelf life than some similar fish species and to use this knowledge to produce some practical applications to increase shelf-life in other species with shorter shelf-life. To do this we will investigate the microbiological and biochemical properties of Goldband Snapper and, using a control species for comparison, determine if any of these properties are responsible for the long shelf life observed with this fish species. The control species for this project, the Saddleback Snapper (Paracaesio kusakarii), was chosen because it is a similar fish but with a much shorter shelf life. If any significant differences are detected, the possibility of transferring or replicating these properties onto other fish will be investigated. This project will impact greatly on the fishing industry if particular bacteria (or lack of bacteria) or other properties which promote long shelf life are able to be identified and replicated on other fish species.

The project is related to and arose as a result of FRDC 2006/209 “Developing targeted strategies for improving product quality through selected low value seafood supply chains.” and will continue working with currently estabished industry partners including WAFIC and WA Department of Fisheries. The project will be under the auspices of the WA Centre of Excellence for Seafood (CoES), and is particularly associated with the supply chain performance theme of the CoES.

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