Project number: 2008-772
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,000.00
Principal Investigator: Nick A. Robinson
Organisation: Flinders Partners Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2015 - 19 Dec 2015


Individuals/organisations that would benefit from the program with Nofima are those that are:

1. considering starting selective breeding programs or supplying industry with hatchery stock (as many as 10 industry associations or groups of farms)

2. analysing data and making decisions about the selection and mating of selectively bred stock (as many as 10 genetics service providers, private or public)

3. involved with the day-to-day operation of a nucleus or hatchery (includes many hatchery managers)

4. trying to run a profitable selective breeding or hatchery business (eg. managers or owners of companies such as Australian Seafood Industries PL for Pacific Oyster or Saltas PL for Atlantic Salmon)

Individuals/organisations in these interest groups have overlapping needs to some degree:

A. Need for owners, managers, geneticists and hatchery staff in Australia to be put in touch (network) with those having similar responsibilities in other sectors within Australia, as well as with international players in the selective breeding scene, so that they can benefit from the experience of existing research organisations and businesses.

B. Australia's reputation, isolation and environment could make it an attractive source of selectively bred stock internationally. Therefore there is an opportunity for some breeding programs to supply overseas producers with genetically improved stock. But there is a need to understand how such a business might operate and how risks can be managed.

C. Need for those analysing data and making decisions about the selection and mating of selectively bred stock, and involved with the day-to-day operation of a nucleus or hatchery, to be informed of the latest technical developments overseas and how developments might be adopted to benefit Australian breeding companies and aquaculture industries.

D. Need for improving basic knowledge about establishing, running and profiting from selective breeding.


1. To give owners, managers, geneticists and hatchery staff involved with selective breeding programs in Australia short-term exposure to facilitate the establishment of dialogue, cooperation and/or collaboration with international players on the selective breeding scene
2. To directly educate and inform scientists making decisions about selection and mating (at least one person for each aquaculture industry participating in the Seafood CRC) and those involved with the day-to-day operation of the nucleus or hatchery about the latest technical developments overseas and how these might be adapted within Australia
3. To improve basic knowledge about establishing, running and profiting from selective breeding leading to implementation of significant and recognisable improvements in breeding programs towards world’s best practice (on average at least one improvement per sector)

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9875953-2-4
Author: Nick Robinson
Final Report • 2019-05-01 • 787.21 KB


A number of businesses have recently been established in Australia with a primary focus on genetic improvement and the sale of genetically improved stock for aquaculture. The production of selectively bred stock has been shown to have high benefit-cost, even for relatively small aquaculture industries, and so a number of new breeding programs (companies or cooperatives) are likely to begin operation during the life of the Seafood CRC. Selective breeding is highly technical so that even the hands-on running of a breeding nucleus requires a high degree of specialist training. The business of selective breeding is relatively new in Australia and there is much to be learnt from experiences overseas.

The Seafood CRC believes Australian breeders could learn a lot from the experience of Nofima who have been providing genetic and breeding research services directly to breeding programs around the world for more than 30 years and who have established programs for Atlantic Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Atlantic Cod, Tilapia and other species that are now commercialised and recognised internationally.

This exchange program will benefit aquaculturists who are considering starting selective breeding programs or hatcheries to supply industry with stock and assistance with analysing data and making decisions about the selection and mating of selectively bred stock. The exchange program also will assist with the day-to-day operation of a nucleus or hatchery and those trying to run a profitable selective breeding or hatchery business

The program will also give owners, managers, geneticists and hatchery staff involved with selective breeding programs in Australia the opportunity to establish dialogue, cooperation and/or collaboration with international players on the selective breeding scene and Nofima can provide an insight into the development, strategies and running of successful international selective breeding businesses. Lastly, the exchange will help to educate those making decisions about selection and mating and will provide the latest technical developments overseas and how these might be adapted within Australia, whilst improving their basic knowledge about establishing, running and profiting from selective breeding.

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