There is a need to:
1. Develop low value Australian seafood options in order to give the Australian seafood consumer the chance to purchase local seafood at accessible price points.
2. Evaluate the sensory characteristsics, product acceptability and perception of Australian Salmon from a consumer perspective. The attributes evaluated will include, but not be limited to, taste, texture, appearance, mouth feel portion size, etc. This information should relate to pricing and potential product forms that appeal to consumers. This will demonstrate if the species has the potential to be a sustainable, consumer commercial fishery. There is currently no consumer research information of this type available.
3. Show what attributes consumers value in seafood.
4. Understand the composition profiling, nutritional values and bio chemical factors that:
a) influence the spoiling of desirable characteristics;
b) influence the overall degradation of this particular species
This will fill gaps in the current research that is being undertaken.
Final report
Australian Salmon represents one of the last sustainable, relatively untapped wild catch fisheries in Australia with capture and harvest techniques not having changed significantly for many decades. Fish quality is quite variable and harvest practices are not optimised. As a result, consumer confidence in Australian Salmon product has been adversely affected. Harvest practice and immediate post-catch handling can be significantly improved, and are major determinants of product quality.
Current and existing research lacks fundamental, basic information on consumer perceptions and acceptance of the Australian Salmon. This project aimed to fill a critical knowledge gap in existing and concurrent research projects.