Project number: 2009-312
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $291,200.00
Principal Investigator: Lisa Campbell
Organisation: Escape Productions Group
Project start/end date: 17 May 2009 - 29 Jun 2011


Communication and extension has been identified by the board as an activity on which more work should be undertaken.

In particular the last three AOP's for FRDC identified under Challenge 5: Community and consumer support two key priorities:
• Educate the community about fisheries and aquaculture management and its contribution to Australia.
• Communicate the benefits of government and industry investment in R&D.

To deliver key messages to the broader community, television is widely recogised as a powerful, albeit costly, tool. Escape with ET provides a cost effective vehicle to reach not only recreational fishers but those in the community that are interested in a wider range of activities and pursuits.

Over the course of Series 9 and 10, FRDC has helped produce over 35 individual stories on R&D ranging from release fish survival through to Australian Salmon and Southern Rocklobster which has been seen by a cumalitive audience of over 18,000,000.


1. to educate the broader community on best practice handling techniques for recreational fishing
2. provide the public with science based information that will allow them to make educated decisions regarding the maintenance of Australia’s ecosystems and associated fish stocks
3. provide science based information to community to inform their opinions

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