Project number: 2009-318
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $31,900.44
Principal Investigator: Neil MacDonald
Organisation: NMAC (SA) Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Dec 2009 - 27 Feb 2010


The need for this project was identifed in the Workshop held in 2008 and subsequently agreed to in the strategic plan developed by the National Inshore Fisheries Working Group.

The strategic plan identified the needs for the affected sectors as being -
1. The development of inshore fisheries through improved management outcomes, increased profitability, marketing and product development;
2. Improved social and economic evaluation and recognition;
3. Improved management models suited to small scale multi-species fisheries.

While the Plan was developed through key industry representation, prior to making any sustained commitment by sectors, fisheries or other supporting bodies it will be necessary to ensure there is broad industry support for both the Plan and for the strategies contained within it.


1. Delivery of the Strategic Plan to the range of State based fisheries that could be drawn under the inshore fisheries umbrella
2. Evaluation of the level of support from industry sectors or bodies for implementation of the Plan and its strategies
3. Identify sectoral or regional opportunities for industry / fishery improvement within the scope of the Plan
4. Develop a work plan for delivery of the Plan's strategies

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9808042-0-1
Author: Neil MacDonald
Final Report • 2010-09-02 • 291.65 KB


This project has achieved its objectives as it has been able to deliver to representatives of local and regional industry groups the Strategic Plan drafted by the National Inshore Fisheries Working Group.  Through the series of workshops under which the Plan was delivered those participating industry representatives demonstrated a high level of support for the Plan and its key Outcomes.  Workshops were held in ten locations with over 50 participants from 25 sector associations or regional groups.

The concept of grouping a diverse range of small scale, often multi-species fisheries that operate within estuarine and near shore environments under a cohesive national forum drew strong support.  Most fishers and their representatives recognised their limited capacity to deliver on a range of key strategic areas in support of their fisheries without the ability to use their resources collectively to strengthen their ability to manage and fund projects that support the Industry’s Strategic Plan.

There was strong recognition among the workshop participants of the range of opportunities the Plan will provide to the various industry bodies and their representatives.  There was a desire to enhance industry’s ability to build their capacity to better represent their fisheries and promote their industry to a wide range of stakeholders. 

Keywords: strategic plan, inshore fisheries, building industry capacity, improved communication, industry development, National Inshore Fisheries Working Group, co-management, industry promotion

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