Project number: 2009-328
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $73,621.00
Principal Investigator: Lowri Pryce
Organisation: OceanWatch Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2010 - 30 Oct 2011


School teachers report a difficulty accessing relevant and accurate information about the marine
environment, current sustainable commercial fishing and marine farm practices. This, coupled with a
recognised paucity of young people embarking on a career in the seafood industry indicates a need for
greater interaction between the seafood industry and the educational sector.

A general lack of knowledge about commercial fishing practices in the public arena has contributed to
poor public perception of the seafood industry, and in fact public attitudes to commercial fisheries are
often negative and ill informed.


1. Develop and trial pilot educational program between seafood industry and School classes year 1 to 10 in Tasmania with a view to National extension
2. Facilitate new and existing partnerships between schools and commercial fishers and aquaculture operators.
3. Facilitate work experience opportunities for young people.
4. Provide opportunities to increase general community understanding of complexities of marine resource utilisation as well as cultural fishing practices.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-57001-3
Author: Lowri Pryce

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